Late night Chapter 5

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( Robin's POV )

I walked into the house instantly letting go of Finney as I saw my dad crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently. "Finally, your game got canceled." My dad said rolling his eyes in disapointment.

"Where's Kat?" "Oh, I don't think she'll make it tonight." I say trying to act unhinged. "Okay then, Finney, Hi nice to meet you just call me Mr. Arellano." My dad said flatly holding out his firm hand. He gave a fake smile as Finney took it shaking it.

"Anyways. Robin go show him his room. Or your room for right now I guess." My dad said. He quickly turned before walking away. 

"Okay follow me." I said leading Finney up the stairs. My mind raced thinking about what my dad thought. Did he see me and Finney? Is he going to yell at me?

"Are you okay?" I turned to see Finney who was practically jogging after me. "God your house is huge." Finney complains as he looks around the large hallway. "Was I walking that fast?" "Uh yeah pretty much." Finney said slightly out of breath.

I nod trying to hold back a smile... But I couldn't.

I smiled before taking Finney's hand again knowing my dad wouldn't see. "God." Finney moaned as I dragged him along.


We finally reached my room. Finney was looking ahead at the big white doors in front of us. "Is this your room?" "Uh yeah!" I smile as I look down to Finney.  

I step forward opening the big doors to my room. It was clean and everything was perfectly placed. "Woah," Finney says taking it all in as he looks around my big room. I laugh looking down to see an astonished Finney. 

"Nice, I get an air mattress." Finney says walking over next to my bed where an air mattress laid lifelessly. "Yeah, no way." I say smiling walking towards Finney while wrapping my arms around him.

I wrap him in a tight bear hug throwing him gently on the bed. "You can sleep on my bed! I'll take this." I say trying to give a smile as I looked down to small air filled mattress. "Nah, it's cool plus your way bigger than me so you should take your bed." Finney said giving me a smile. 

"Plus, I'm used to sleeping on the floor since I'm always over at Billy's place. So this air mattress is really nice." Finney says looking up to me as he lays his stuff on a nearby dresser. 

"Orrrr, we could share." I say leaning against my desk. Finney turns to me almost immediately "Yeah no." He says straightly. He looks around to see his stuff on my bed. "Buttt, your stuff is here, and you said you want me to have the bed... So we can share!" I laugh.

Finney then rolls his eyes before coming up to me. "Yeah no, Robin it's fine, I'll take the-" "No, were sharing." "Bu-" "SHHHH" I say hearing the doorbell ring. "I'll be right back darling." I say smiling before slipping out of my room.

"Best if you come too." I say going back into the room and grabbing Finney by the wrist.


"Why hello Mrs. Brown! And Miss. Brown, you look beautiful, I'm afraid Robin said you wouldn't be coming. And You two look excellent!" My mother called through the house looking at the Brown family. 

My eyes widened as I saw Kat in the door plastering a fake smile at me. "Hi Robin." She said trying to act happy as her eye twitched. "Well come on in. Supper will be ready in a few minutes."

"Supper?" Finney said laughing lightly. Just then I hear Kat's usual stomping of heels approach me. "Hey Finney! Come on!" Chris yells signaling to Finney to leave. In just a couple of moments me and Kat were alone. 

"What the actual Fuck?!?!" Kat says trying to whisper. "What do you mean?" "Andrew ring a bell!?!" She once again whisper yells to me. 

I roll my eyes. "He did nothing!" She says annoyed. "He was on the urge of fucking you Kat, and your clearly okay with that." "What? No! I want to fuck you!" She says pointing to my chest.

"No Kat, not after what you pulled." I say annoyed. "Robin, fucking kiss me or forget me." Kat says annoyed looking at me. "Neither!" I say. "Fine I'll choose." And with that she pushes me down kissing me roughly.

"Kat!" I say pushing her off. "Can we just solve this tomorrow?" I say pleading her to get off as I push her. "Fine." She says sternly before storming off. "Hey." I turned to see Gwen she was standing there blankly looking at me. "Hey?" 

"What was that?" "Just Kat being Kat..." I mumble remaining seated on the stairs. "I know you don't really even know me but... I think you should stop seeing Kat, not after what happened today at least."

"Her posting herself kissing Andrew was kinda hard core especially if you then just straight up kiss some other guy." I nod confused. "The picture is on Instagram." She says before walking off. "Oh, thanks Gwen." I say smiling at her. "Yeah, no problem." She says smiling back as she goes to the living room where everyone else had gone.

I opened up Instagram to see in the first picture Kat and Andrew kissing. "Of course." I mumble rolling my eyes.

I get up before going to dinner.


"Bye." I say standing on the stairs with Finney. "Okay, then you two can get ready for bed. And Gwen you do whatever you'd like sweetie." My mom said smiling before heading off with my father somewhere else in the house. 

I led Finney to my room quietly and quickly. 

"Robin?" "Yeah?" "Where's your shower?" "Uh in my room?" "Oh yeah... sorry." Finney laughs. "No it's okay." I laughed while looking at Finney. "Alright here we are." I say smiling while opening the doors to the room.

"Okay, is it cool if I take a quick shower?" "Yeah go ahead, there's towels are in there in the closet." Finney nods as he heads off in to the shower.

I quickly changed into my pajamas. By meaning sweat pants and no shirt. I let my hair run loose grabbing my phone beginning to scroll on Instagram in my bed. 

Only after a couple of minutes the room of the bathroom opens wide. I look over turning red to see Finney with a loose towel around his waist. he had a towel in his hand drying his hair. "What?"

"N-nothing" I stutter looking at Finney still red as he lays a hand on his hip. "And you say I'm the one flustered." Finney says laughing. Finney then begins to approach me grabbing a sweatshirt and shorts. "No, I mean... I..." Finney raises an eyebrow looking at me.

"I was surprised you had abs." I say gulping. "I guess." Finney says running his hand down his stomach seductively. I gulp looking down turning even redder. "I'll be back in a second." Finney laughs as he leaves the room.


After a second or Two Finney comes back plopping onto the bed. I quickly pull him closer as he covers us in the blanket. Finney chuckles before turning over so he was facing me. "Good night." He says smiling. "Night Finn." I say smiling as I turn off the light.

I pull Finn a tiny bit closer as he turns facing the wall.

I turned too now facing the ceiling There is only one thing on my mind, that I couldn't stop thinking about. And that was Finn...

Finney Blake.

Doesn't that song match sooo good with the ending. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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