Don't call me that Chapter 4

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( Finney's POV )

I looked around the hallway waiting for Robin to come out of the boys locker room. Just like every rich kid school this place was in great condition. The lights were bright there was no graffiti on the lockers or bathroom stalls. 

This place was clean as fuck.

"Okay, ready to go Darling?" I suddenly turned at the pet name to see a smiling Robin with bandages on his knuckles.

"Don't call me that." I say flatly as I glare at Robin. "Sureee, anything for you Finney boy!" Robin says ruffling around my hair as he takes my hand. "What are you doing?" "Holding your hand? Is that A crime?" I raise an eyebrow snatching back my hand. "Maybe it is." I respond. "Um..." Robin stares at me expectantly.

"What?" "Do you know where to go?" "No." "Then here." Robin holds out his had waiting for me to take it. I roll my eyes before giving in and taking his hand. "You know I could've just followed you." I say boredly as Robin holds me close. "Yeah but this is funner!" Robin laughs as he tugs me along.

I couldn't help but smile as Robin continued to hold my hand. "Okay, so I'm guessing since I'm your new roommate-" "Roommate?"  "Yeah!" " I thought I was getting my own room?" "Oh yeah you are, just my parents are renovating the place blah blah blah, so you'll share with me the first week, and they want you to have your own bathroom, walk in closet, and balcony."

I nod slowly. "But Gwen gets her own room since she's a girl and that room is already done. And they want you close to me." Robin says booping my nose. I look down slightly flustered at the sudden attention.

"Okay then." I respond as we make our way to the main exit. "Don't you have a game today?" "Oh yeah, it got canceled, the team just called it, they couldn't play since they didn't have enough players free." I nod.

"Alright, my car should be right about here." Robin approaches a white car opening the passenger seat door for me. "After you Darling." I roll my eyes as I get into the car. But the name to be honest gave me butterflies as it slipped out of his soft lips.

Soon after he got in the car after me turning the engine on. "Buckle up, don't want us to die." Robin said giving me an encouraging smile as I reached to get my seat belt.

I Buckled quickly before looking forward, my bag on the floor. My phone then buzzes I ignore it.

"So are you excited to start here-" My phone buzzes again. I ignore it. "Yeah-" It then buzzes again. "You wanna get that?" "Uh yeah probably for the best." I say trying to display a smile. I take out my phone to see Billy blowing up pictures of Vance and Bruce. 

I quickly click on them. One being a video. "Holly shit." I mumbled as I watched it

"Vance, why are you being like this?" " Look I don't know, I've just never felt this way about anyone..." Vance says covering his face. "What is it then, don't play dumb you clearly kno-" Bruce was cut off as Vance leaned in to kiss him. The camera flipped to Billy his eyes wide with a big smile plastered on his face. 

"What?" Robin says trying to steal glances at my phone while also trying to keep his eyes on the road. "Bruce and Vance." I say smiling looking at the texts Billy sent before the video. "Oh did they make out yet?" "Uh, yeah I'll show you the video at the house." I say glancing up to Robin who remained focused on the road.

"Okay whatever you'd like babe." Robin smiled pulling into a neighborhood. "Is this the neighborhood?" "Uh yeah, pretty much." Robin said glancing over to me.

I looked astonished as I laid my eyes on the big houses towering above the little car we were in. "Which one?" "Not any, it's up there on the hill." Robin said pointing straight ahead.

I looked at a big house planted on top of a hill displayed neatly. "Gosh, you really are fucking rich." I laugh as I gaze at Robin. "I guess yeah..." Robin smirks as we get to the big gates in front of the house.

The gates open slowly and Robin begins to drive into the long drive way. "Do you ever host fancy events here?" I say glancing to my left to see a basketball court. "All the time, We have fancy parties, and then parties that I have, crazy ones." Robin laughs as he parks the car.

I looked over to Robin who was admiring a flower garden as he got out of the car. I grabbed my bag before looking over to the big house. "I guess I'll lead the way." Robin says smiling holding his hand out again for me to take again.

"Yeah no." I smile sarcastically. "Aww, com'mon Finn" Robin says pulling me close. I turn red at the sudden closeness. He then smirks leaning down to whisper in my ear. "It's really cute when your fluster darling~" Robin says humming at the end. He slowly leans up looking down at me. 

"Come on Babe." Robin says smiling holding his hand out and waving it frequently. 

I roll my eyes before reluctantly taking his hand. He smiles before pulling me closer. "You're so cute darling~" He whispers as he begins to walk with me close by his side.

I blush at those words "Don't call me that" I mumble out.

I hope you enjoyed it!!!

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