Hickeys Chapter 14

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( Finney's POV )

Was it wrong for me to be completely confused as Chris hugged me by my locker. "Hey, I didn't see you last night?" "Oh, I was just not feeling good..." I lied. "Okay, well next time if you can text me, I get a little worried." Chris laughed as we walked around the white marble school. "Yeah, sorry about that..." "It's fine though, good to know that you're okay though..." "Where's Robin?" " He doesn't feel that good, so he's just staying home."

"True, he's I think having an interview tomorrow so hopefully he feels better by then." "An interview?" "Yeah, Robin used to have them a lot. Since they are super rich." "I mean so is everyone in this school don't you think?" "Yeah, but Robin, is like level 5 rich, we're just level 2 or 3 rich..." I look at Chris confused as he looks down at me. "You know what never mind, doesn't matter." I chuckle as we continue to walk to class together. 

"Do you maybe wanna skip?" "And do what?" I say as we both stop in the side brightly lit hallway. "I mean, I don't know, what would you like to do?" I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe in movies you would make out in a storage room, or the bathroom, or even an empty classroom. But to the me that was basically asking, do you want to have sex? 

And I have many reasons now, even if he just wanted to kiss, or whatever, I'd probably still say no. "Okay, sure lets skip... But what do we do?" "Hang out?" Chris said awkwardly. "I mean, if you want?" I say suggestingly. "Okay then where do we go?" "Storage room?" "Sure." I already felt as though he was gonna pull this. 

Chris locks the door to the storage room as he sits on a desk that was left in here. I slide my hands deep into my pockets as I look around the storage room. "Well..." Chris mumbled as he looked at me almost expectantly. "What?" "Look Finney, I don't want to come off as I jerk but um... I think it was a bit obvious, I just kinda wanna..." "Oh..." "Not sex! just... casual..." "Casual?" "Yeah, we're casual, nothing huge, but nothing small?" I tilt my head confused as Chris slides off the desk. 

"Okay, may I kiss you?" "Uh, I mean sure..." I was trying my best to not make this awkward, but as you can see that kind of failed. I stepped closer To Chris only about an inch away from him as I kissed him gently. Is this what he meant when he said Casual?

Chris reached for my hand holding it gently. This was kinda nice... I thought, as Chris lifted me up onto the desk. I sat there as Chris stood in between my legs. I kissed him back lightly as I move one of my hands to cup his soft cheek. 

The kiss was soft, and tender... It was calming as Chris moved his mouth rhythmatically with mine, The kiss wasn't mind blowing, but it was rather sweet and welcoming. Chris pressed his body lightly against mine as I brushed my fingers against his hair. 

Both of Chris's hands had now moved to my hips as he pressed his body even closer to mine. My hand soon traveled to Chris's chest as I lightly applied pressure. Chris smiled into the longing kiss. I finally parted away from Chris as he breathed gently. 

I smiled at him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He only chuckled burying his head into my neck. "Is it weird that I just smelled you?" "Yeah?" I laughed. It felt kinda comfortable as me and Chris began laughing about dumb things. 

It only took a long thought before Chris and I started to make out again. It was nice to be honest as I felt comfortable enough to remove my jacket, and be able to undo only 4 buttons of my shirt. Chris's hands ran down my thighs as he kissed me more hungrily. And I wasn't lying when I said I kinda liked it...

Chris removed his lips from mine going to my neck. "Is this okay?" Chris mumbled as he sucked on my neck teasingly. "Mhm..." I mumbled quietly as I let my head fall resting it on Chris's shoulder.


"We should do that again..." I smile at Chris as I put on the jacket. "As long as you're comfortable of course." I smile rolling my eyes playfully. "More than comfortable." I giggled as I kissed Chris lightly. "I will never get bored of your kisses." I giggled even more as we left the storage room. It only struck me when I saw Robin Arellano at my locker on his phone. 

"I thought he didn't feel good?" Chris said confused as he looked down at me. "Oh, I mean he said, he didn't feel good, I don't know why he's here..." I trailed off as Robin looked up at me. He smiled before noticing Chris. "Should I go?" "No, stay..." I say as I approach Robin. Chris follows as he continues to look at Robin and me. 

"I thought you weren't coming today?" I say crossing my arms. "Change of plans I guess, Hey Chris." Robin said smiling up at Chris. Chris nods. "Yeah I think you should go, I have to talk to Finney about something in private if that's okay?" I turn to Chris who keeps eye contact with Robin. "Alright, fine... I'll see you later Finney." He says smiling. He winks at me before walking off.

"He's head over heels for you." Robin says putting away his phone. "Excuse me?" "He likes you Finney a-" Robin stops what he's saying as he notices my neck. He raises his eyebrows looking away. "Did he give you those?" I rub my neck nervously. "Yeah..." Robin looked down at me bitterly. "Whatever, Look, don't go walking around with those... You'll get weird looks." Robin says slightly annoyed.

"Uhuh." I mumble not convinced. "Come on." Robin says as he drags me into the bathroom. He lifts me up onto the counter going through his backpack. "What are you looking for?" "Kat's makeup, I just have some in case she gets hickeys." Robin says as he goes through the bag. "This kinda gives Deja vu? Don't you think?" "Hm?" "When you were patching up my knuckles." Robin says as he begins to rub a powder against my neck. "Do you even know what you're doing?" "Nope."

"But I would know, if I were your boyfriend not to give you hickeys in obvious places." Robin says rolling his eyes. "Okay, look we get it you wish you gave me hickeys or some shot, just stop being an asshole about us." "Oh so you're an us now?" "Okay seriously Robin?" "What?" "You just don't lay off do you? Like, I'm in a good relationship and you're being a complete dick about it!" I say annoyed. "

"Finney why the fuck would I be dick, I'm literally helping you out, why can't you just appreciate the fact that I'm helping you?" I roll my eyes before jumping off the counter and leaving the bathroom. "Oh, Come on Finn." "Don't fucking call me that!"

Sorry for any mistakes, I didn't proof read, and I SEARCHED FOR THIS SONG! I literally got so mad that I couldn't find a song that was like the original on youtube, because they deleted it! Anyways, You know that girl who I was talking about. Well guess what happened. THAT LITTLE FEMALE DOG GOT CAPTAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

BECAUSE TELL ME WHY I GOT CO-CAPTAIN, I'm still happy, and there wasn't a flipping tie, so we wouldn't race! Her crusty friend who like showed up for the first time voted her. UGH, Anyways you guys don't have to feel the pain my friends do, because I was complaining 24/7, but I'm over it now... kinda... Not really. And she started calling us nicknames, and I know I'm not supposed to share my info, I kinda did already... But My name is Vinnie... And this girl called me VIRGIL, WHERE DO YOU GET VIRGIL! And I was sooooooooooooooo angry when this girl called me that, and my new nickname is Vir.... VIR!!!!! THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE WHEN MY NAME IS VINNIE, THIS GIRL THINKS MY NAME IS VIRGIL!!!! I am so done.

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