Airport {FINAL} Chapter 30

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(Finney's POV)

I stared at Bruce holding back the tears in my eyes. Vance was nearing me with some snacks and Chris decided to pay his last goodbyes to me and Gwen. Kat was here too, but she clearly didn't want to be with everything with her parents. Simon too had been here and he was looking at me directly.

It almost felt awkward seeing him again for some reason... Because after all Robin kept saying he was hitting on me but, I don't think so... I hummed out the air knowing my flight would be called soon. And it didn't feel exactly right to be honest, I was leaving a very important part of my life behind, but it was for the better, or that is what I manipulated my brain to think. I stared at my friends, and I'm guessing Bruce finally couldn't take the distance anymore since he rushed towards me letting out all of his tears onto my shoulder.

I slightly gasped at the sudden urge, but I wrapped my arms around him, closing my eyes. I then felt another pair of arms around us, these ones were bigger, heavier, and rough... I was guessing these arms belonged to Vance. I smiled, feeling almost warm inside as I rejoiced with my old friends. I hadn't fully catched them up with everything yet but they understood... I think.

I then suddenly felt another pair of arms around us. Confused, I slightly looked up seeing Billy. He looked slightly nervous, and frisky when he wrapped his arms around us. "Billy, I know you may beat me up for saying this, but you are such a softie!" Bruce smiled. Billy only rolled his eyes. "Yeah okay..." Billy mumbled. Vance turned around hiding his face, and Billy couldn't help but blurt out a laugh. "Stop laughing!" Vance said, covering his face. I turned to Bruce confused. He only shrugged his shoulders. "What?" I asked. "He's crying!" Billy laughed. Vance only chuckled. "I'm sorry, I'm just gonna you miss you." Vance mumbled.

"Awww, both of you guys are softies!" I squealed as I brought all of them into a hug again. Bruce only laughed before pulling Vance away leaving me and Billy to chat.

"Hey, so I'm not making this a huge thing like last time, but I just wanted to say sorry. Like I overreacted, I just missed you a lot, and I guess my emotions got the best of me... And you know I suck at expressing them, so I guess, I just didn't want to lose you... And the more I think, the more I realized I just honestly didn't want to give up high school memories... And you like Robin, and I'm happy for you, I always have been. And I won't hold you back okay." Billy said, patting me on the shoulder. I only chuckled. "I don't know if me and Robin were... something." "Something?" "Yeah, we were like dirty little secrets" "I wouldn't exactly call what you guys had was little." Bill chuckled. "Eh, kinda." I giggled. Billy nodded. "Better catch up with that guy." Billy pointed to Chris not knowing his name at all. "Chris." "Yeah, him... I thought it was like Crath?" "What?" "Whatever." Billy walked away joining Vance and Bruce.

"So, when is your flight?" I turned to see Chris smiling at me. "Hopefully not that soon." I smiled. I felt kinda guilty seeing Chris again after everything... I guess Simon and Chris both have that impact. But we talked, and our relationship has improved a bit. "Haven't heard that one yet." "Yeah... It's just a lot to say goodbye to this place... Like as weird as it sounds... It was hard to say goodbye to my shitty ass neighborhood." I chuckled. "Yeah well, everything ends at some point... Sometimes sooner than you think..." I looked at him, the guilt lacing in my eyes for a moment before I turned away facing the other planes taking off. "So, are you gonna call?" "Of course. How could I forget you?" I said punching him in the arm. He only smirked. "Man I am going to miss you Finn, and I really don't even care if we're exes or whatever you're like my best friend" He sighed looking down at me. "Make sure you check up on me." "Yes! I have to, plus we watch bachelor together so, we kinda have to

like call every week." I smiled. "How could I forget?" Chris smiled. Suddenly We heard loud footsteps, almost like running.

I turned to see Robin running towards me. He was slightly sweaty and clearly nervous. My face glowed up slightly at the sight of Robin running towards me. He smiled slightly at the sight of me. Chris patted me on the shoulder. "Good look Finney." Chris began walking away.

I dropped my bags walking towards Robin. He panted as he reached me, smiling uncontrollably. "Look, I know you don't want a big thing, but I really like you and I wanna be your boyfriend, and not some stupid dirty little secret." Robin said in one big breath. "Like I don't even like you Finn, I love you! I liked you the second I saw you in the parking lot on one of the very first days of school." I smiled and chuckled. "Robin-" "And I really do not mind if you don't wanna be my boyfriend! But like it would hurt... But still, I'm okay with whatever." "Robin, it's okay... I love you too." Robin's face went pale, but then flushed very quickly.

"You love me too?" "Yes!" Robin smiled uncontrollably. "Oh my gosh you got me slightly worried." I laughed. "Yeah, as if." I smiled, I said pushing Robin's chest. Robin only smirked.

"Look as cheesy, and stupid as this sound. I kinda wanna kiss you." "Like every rom-com movie ending when one of them is leaving for college." I said, holding in laughter. "Yeah sure, why not." I smirked. Robin leaned in without me saying yes or no so I quickly stopped him. "What?" "You didn't exactly ask for my consent." Robin pouted. "I'm rich." "So?" "So, I get what I want right now." "That sounds bratty." "I guess I'm a brat." I giggled. "Yep." I leaned in kissing Robin gently and tenderly.

I guess we weren't each other's dirty little secrets anymore... 

ALRIGHT GUYZZZ, we made it to the end, I hope you enjoyed it!!!!! AlexzanderTorres666 for giving me this idea, thank you again!!!! And yes this is the end! not the end end, one more AU till the end end, but Ima take a break, but I'll keep ya'll posted! Um if you have any ideas, please feel free to ask, privately, or just in the comments idc. AND, Give me an opinion, A VERY HONEST ONE OKAY, and I NEED A LOT OF OPINIONS OKAY, should my next AU include Vampires????? ALRIGHT LOVE YOU MWAH MWAH MWAH!!!!

Vj88_01102 XOXO

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