Tear My Heart Out Chapter 12

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( Finney's POV )

I got home late that night as I slumped up the stairs. It was practically pitch dark as I tripped over the stairs almost six times. The argument with Robin earlier had kept running through my head like a song on repeat. And every time I imagined it the worst I had sounded. I felt like a dick for my attitude, but for all due respect his friends did bad things to me. Really really bad things.

After what felt like 5 minutes searching endlessly for my room I found it. I reached for the door handle before I heard something. Coming from Robin's door. I glanced over debating if I should go over or not. And I decided why not. I leaned in closer hearing what sounded like three voices. 

"That's still what you said Robin." A deep voice said. "Yeah, you wanted us to do that, no need to get mad." Another unrecognizable said. "I didn't mean rape him!" Robin said in a hushed tone. I was confused as I continued to listen.

"Look you said to do something to get Chris off his tail." The second voice said. "I didn't mean do that!" Robin said again in the same hushed tone. "Look dude, you said specifically that you want Christopher to just not like Finney anymore. Or just get Christopher away so you can steal his virginity..." The first voice said. 

My heart dropped as I listened to these words drain out of the unknown guys mouth. "I didn't say that! I just said I don't want Chris sniffing about Finney, he's a good guy in all I just don't think Finney in the end would want Chris to take his V- card." "Yeah he would..." I heard a voice that I recognized. It was Jason Ambrose.

"Chris is a really good guy, and I myself would give him my V- card... Robin will you just admit you like Finney, and you want him to give you his V- card, but that would be too late since these jerk faces already did." Jason says frustrated. "Ugh." Robin moans in annoyance. "I don't like him." "Yeah, you do." The second voice said. "Okay you stay out of this asshole." Robin said sternly.

"Okay whatever man." The second voice said again. "Mhm..." Jason mumbles. "When is he getting home anyways?" Jason said again." "I really don't even know to be honest." Robin says slightly stressed. "But when he does, I'm apologizing to him right away..." Robin says. " Okay, whatever were sorry, Finney barely saw our face, so that's not that bad of damage..." The first voice said.

"That's bad! That was the shittiest thing you have ever fucking did Wayde! And not to be that person but you're a drug dealer! You do bad shit!" Robin yells. "God, shut up Robin! Not everything is about you!" The second voice said. "All of you fucking shut up before your parents or fucking Gwen wake up!" Jason says in a quiet voice. 

It goes silent for a moment. "So what do we do?" "I don't care just stay away from Finney and get out..." I then hear foot steps getting louder as they approach the door. I quickly push myself to the side hiding in the depths of my door frame. "Not the door just use the window." Robin says annoyed as I hear the window open.

I take one last listen but only hear tiny grunts before the window closes. I open my door slowly closing it gently. I turned on a lamp quickly before changing into a tank top and sweat pants. I brushed my hand through my hair as I breathed in shakily. Was Robin being for real?

I wasn't fully sure... and who was Wadye and that other guy. I then heard a knock on my door. I nervously gulped before approaching the door reaching out to turn the door knob. "Hey... When did you get home?" I saw Robin slightly pale looking stressed as he tried to smile as he looked down at me.

"Just a second ago..." I lied as I remained looking up at him. "Cool... Look, I just wanted to apologize to you... I swear I didn't know... Like at all, I talked to the guys and they said they'll just stay away from you and shit..." Robin said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Look, I'm just really fucking sorry, I didn't know they were gonna do that, I just didn't like the idea of Chris taking your V- card." Robin mumbled as he looked down at me. I nodded slowly. "Thanks I guess," I mumbled as I rubbed my arm. "Finney if you ever find a way I can make it up to you, just say it..." 

I couldn't help but frown as I looked at Robin. "Yeah, okay thanks. I'll see you in the morning..." I said quietly. "Finney... I..." Robin stopped as he looked at me for a second. And without question Robin hugged me tightly. "I'm so so so so so so sorry." He breathed into my neck.

I couldn't help but get butterflies, but the thought of what happened quickly drained them. "Promise me that if anything like this happens again you'll tell me okay..." Robin mumbles as he nuzzles his head into my neck. "I promise..." I said as Robin realeased me from his tight grip

"Okay, good night... Sleep well." And with that Robin gently closed the door. I heard quiet thumps as Robin walked away going into his room.

I know I had just promised Robin that I'd tell him these things... Important things like this to him... And I guess I have to now, no matter what I guess... Even if it meant to tear my own heart out.

I hoped you enjoyed the chapter

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