Maybe It's Time To Let Go Chapter 28

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(Robin's POV)

Everyone stood there awkwardly in Bruce's house before I finally broke the silence. "Um, Finney wanna go get a hotel or something?" Vance snickered, and Bruce just punched him on the shoulder. "Uh, I mean..." He glanced at Bruce. "No, go, uh, have fun." Bruce smiled. Vance whispered something in Bruce's ear that only made him smile slightly. "Okay guys..." Vance mumbled. I raised an eyebrow at them before Griffin stood up. "Okay, well I'm gonna head home, I'm not about to listen to you have sex, okay. Night! Nice meeting you guys by the way." Griffin walked out quickly. I glanced at Finney. "So?" "Um, sure." Finney smiled.


After we checked into the hotel Finney immediately sat on the bed focusing on the polished light brown wood. "Um, Finn?" "Huh?" He said looking up at me. "What?" "Uh, nothing... You just looked... Uh I don't know, a bit, out of it." "Yeah it's nothing." Finney chuckled. I began taking off my tux, only leaving my dress pants and dress shirt on. Finney slightly flinched as I sat next to him. Confused I laid my hand on his shoulder. 

"You alright?" "Mhm." he mumbled. I nodded slowly. It was a long silence, and oddly it felt uncomfortable, not the comfortable silence me and Finn always had. "Hey... You can tell me anything you know." I said turning Finn's chin towards me. He smiled, but it soon faded. "I'm not lying to you or anything." Finney said quickly. "I know you aren't, I trust you." I said looking at him almost confused.

"Well, okay." I laughed. I slowly leaned in kissing Finn tenderly and softly. Finney kissed me back but he felt hesitant. He was acting weird so... I just ignored it and rested a hand in his curly hair. "Robin-" Finney cut himself short avoiding my eye contact. "What?" "Uh, never mind." Finney quickly smiled before pecking my lips. I smirked before kissing him more passionately. 

This went on for a couple of minutes before I leaned Finn on the bed pinning him down. Finn smiled. He propped himself up on his elbows reaching up to me to meet my lips. I smirked into the kiss. I began running my hands down Finney's body... And then I slowly ran my hand under his shirt, but he quickly stopped me. Confused I looked down at him. "I don't know Robin..." I looked at him strangely.

I mean, I don't mean to be cocky, but I've never been rejected really, especially when it comes to sex. "I just..." "Did I do something? They said something... Didn't they." I said. "What? No... Why would you think that?" Finney said looking at me slightly annoyed at my assumption. "I mean Finn, come on, you know I didn't mean that." "Well, it sounded like you thought it was them... When they said nothing at all... Do you not trust me?" Finney asked backing away from me. "Of course I do! Why would I not?" Finney rolled his eyes at me.

"Okay now you're acting like a child." "Oh, I'm sorry that I can't be mad! or at least a bit annoyed that you think my friends are like fucking  gossip queens!" Finney said crossing his arms. "Okay well, you're being a bit over the top about it!" "Okay well I'm sorry that I'm just trying to protect my friends!" Finney said raising his voice slightly. "Finn I don't wanna fight." "I told you not to call me that." "Well clearly you didn't mind me calling you it for the past week." I said annoyed with is response. 

Finney rubbed his forehead. "Look, you can just say you don't wanna have sex with me." I said breaking the silence. Finney gave me some sort of look that made me feel slightly guilty for saying that. "Why are you acting like this?" "What do you fucking mean?" "I don't know, you're acting like one of your jerky friends that thinks everything is about them!" Finney said clearly over everything. "What the fuck? No the fuck I am not!" I said raising my voice slightly. "Yeah you are! Like do you think bringing me to a hotel will seduce me into having sex with you?" Finney said looking me dead in the eye. 

"Finney, seriously? You wanna fucking bring that up?" "No! But it feels like I have to!" "Okay well at least my friend doesn't have a drinking problem!" I yelled. Finney opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. "Finney I-" "No, just stop... Just stop talking please... I'm just gonna get some fresh air." Finney said quickly standing up. 

I felt guilty as I watched Finney leave the room, and as dumb as it sounds... I followed after him. 

"Robin just leave me alone!" "No!" I said grabbing his arm. He whipped his head around along with his whole body. "Look! I am really sorry that I don't come from a PERFECT FAMILY LIKE YOU! OKAY!" "I don't come from a fucking perfect family!" "Yeah! WELL IT'S BETTER THAN BEING IN A SMALL ASS HOUSE WITH TERRIBLE PARENTS THAT WERE WILLING TO DROP YOU FOR MONEY TO BUY DRUGS!" Finney yelled. I went pale for a moment before Finney looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry..." Finney said before turning "Finn...I..."

"I love you..."


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