Heart Ache Chapter 17

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( Robin's POV )

"Kat, look have I told you a billion times I'm sorry! I was busy okay! I was in the gym and then I showered, and I had to go to bed I was tired..." I lied as Kat crossed her arms. She was wearing a Nike sports bra with a cropped zip up hoodie looking at me with pure rage in her eyes.

"ROBIN! UGH, I know you always check your phone after a gym session and before going into the shower!" Kat yells throwing her hands around. "Look I'm sorry! Okay I don't know how many times I have to say it for you to understand!" I yelled back as I approached her. 

"Well clearly you have to say it A LOT! YOU'RE A LITTLE FUCKER FOR NOT ANSWERING ME!" "KAT I WAS AS-" "No you weren't..." I turned looking over to see Chris perched in the door frame tears in his eyes. I looked down examining Kat's pink fluffy rug. "What do you mean Chris..." "He...He had an interview, remember... And stayed overnight and his phone died..." "How do you know the details?" Kat said rolling her eyes not believing him.

"Finney told me..." He said wiping away his tears looking at me coldly. "He just lied to try and make you feel better." Chris said almost in a choked voice. Kat nodded looking over to me. "Aw, that's so sweet!!!!" She said jumping into my arms. "I'll see you guys later." He mumbled before closing the door. I felt really bad in that moment staring down.

Kat then kissed me on the cheek smiling. "Robin, lets go do something fun!" "What do you mean fun?" I was slightly annoyed if she meant... "Fun" If you know, you know. "Like mini golf! Our first date remember!" Kat says smiling. I slightly sighed out of relief. "Yeah that's a great idea." I smiled.

"Ugh, I was soooo great to think of that!" She smiled slipping out of my grip. She walked over to her closet. "I just need to change." "Alright... Do you want me to go out. Give you some privacy." "Yeah, you can go so then you can be stunned by my presence!" She says excitedly as she examines her large collection of high branded clothing. "Okay, I'll be in the living room." She nods before I go downstairs seeing Chris sitting next to someone.

I approached them to see a tall guy with tattoos... He kinda looked like Chris... But he also looked like Kat... "Hey." I say as I walk over to them. Chris turns to me before looking away bitterly. I slightly nodded excepting Chris wouldn't be talking to me for a while... As expected.

"Hey little man... Are you Robin by any chance?" "Yeah... Robin Arellano." I smiled while holding my hand out. He only chuckled before shaking my hand. "And you?" "Simon Brown... I'm your girlfriend's older brother, and Chris's older brother." He smirked looking at me. I nodded slowly. "I didn't know you had an older brother." I said faking a smile as I looked at Chris. He just ignored me as he stared at his phone.

Simon nudges him playfully. "Dude? Someones talking to you..." Simon said glancing at me. "Eh, don't worry about it, he's just in a mood today, don't know why though." Simon said scratching his head. He ran his hands through his dreads slowly staring at me. "So, are you in college or..." "Uh, no, I moved out ages ago, but I dropped out too. Soooo whatever I guess. Well, actually I want to go to this college but I can't because I haven't finished High school yet. He said smirking.

"And how old are you?" "18, actually not too long ago I turned 18..." He smiled. "Yeahh, long story short, my parents missed me or whatever, and I just took that opportunity to stay here for a bit. It's just easier so I don't have to worry about money or shit." He smirked. Chris sat up leaving as he went upstairs. I watched him go slowly before focusing back on Simon. 

"So, do you know what happened between Chris and his Boyfriend Finney? I think..." "Yeah, Um I don't know..." "Yeah he said he got dumped or whatever... But to be honest he looks way too hurt to be dumped... Like he gave off more getting cheated on vibes." Simon laughed. I looked away quickly. "Just jokes of course, I don't know shit, he won't talk. Well maybe he does to Kat, he tells her everything, I mean they are twins so they got have each other's backs." I nodded.

"But, I don't want to go against my brother or anything, but that kid he's dating... He's kinda cute." "Oh really." I said slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, his curly hair and pale, but soft skin... He just looked cute, He is a lucky find in my book." Simon smiled rubbing his arms. "Yeah... He is..." I mumbled knowing Simon wouldn't hear.

I suddenly looked up to see Chris rushing downstairs with a glint of hope in his eyes as he ran out the door. "He seemed in a hurry." Simon chuckled looking over at me. "So are you a senior?" "No, Junior..." "Oh, hm, well you look mature enough to be a senior..." "Really?" I chuckled feeling a bit uneasy. "Yeah... To mature to do dumb shit you know." He  smiled. 

I swear he knew... He just kept giving these signs like, I know shit...Fuck.

"Thanks?" I looked over the corner to the big balconey over  viewing the living room. Just on Que Kat walked out of her room. She was wearing a tight cropped pink top and short white skirt. I smiled at her standing up. I glanced over to Simon who was rolling his eyes as he looked at Kat. "She looks like a slut... You know what she wants in the parking lot after your date." Simon whispered to me. I blushed slightly at his words and how close he had been.

I looked down before looking back up quickly to Kat who was smiling. She flicked her long braids behind her ear before walking down the stairs. "Where are you guys going?" "That mini golf place has an arcade and crap." Kat said putting her hands on her hips. "Ohh, Cool." "Please don't Simon this is a date with my boyfriend!" She complained annoyed. "What?"I ask confused.

"He wants to come or whatever." "I mean that's fine..." "Fine! You just can't hang out with us, and you're getting a ride back with someone that isn't me or Robin." Kat said crossing her arms. "Whatever, I'll just take my car." He said pulling keys out of his pocket. She rolled her eyes before taking my hand and led me outside to my car. 


"So you wanna do mini golf first?" "Yes!" She smiled. "Oh, and I can get a pink ball, and you can get... red!" "Um okay." "I'm surprised no one has noticed us yet." She said shrugging her shoulders. "Well, I mean I guess." I said. We begin to walk up to the counter as I pull out my wallet. Kat then begins to talk to the person about the golf things and whatever.

I turn quickly to the familiar voice. It was Finney and Chris laughing at the ticket counter as Finney held a bunch of plastic dinosaurs. I couldn't help but stare at them. I felt jealous as I saw Finney and Chris... How did they make up so fast anyways? Does Chirs like Finney that much?And does Finney like Chris that much? Clearly enough though ... I thought.

I mean after all he is going to him first... Apologizing... I knew I didn't exactly need an apology, I would just like Finney to talk to me... And I wish I didn't leave so early for Kat... Maybe things could've gone differently... I felt as though I was in a movie scene as everything moved slowly. I looked at Finney. Was it over then... He chose Chris...

I hope you enjoyed!!!!

Also Ya'll NEW CHARACTER!!!!!!

Simon Brown- 18, Pansexual, Golden/Silver

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