Lovely Lies Chapter 19

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(Finney's POV )

It wasn't long before me and Robin had this usual routine, him coming to my room at night and... hanging out... But sometimes it didn't feel exactly real, like, as though... I didn't deserve this... As though whatever I did I couldn't make him happy.

"Finney?" Robin called as he peaked through my door. "What's up?" He smirked looking at me. "What?" "Nothing... I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something?" "Yeah, sure..." I say as I opened the door slightly. Robin came in looking around my room seeing the familiar modern look.

He smiled at me before he slumped down onto my bed. "Soooo, what do you wanna do?" "I don't know... I was about to shower but I guess we could do something." I said approaching robin with a small smile. He raised his eyebrow at me. "You can shower I'll just be in here waiting... For a bit I guess." He mumbled at the end as he looked at me with the same boyish smirk. "Okay then... I'll be right back." I said walking into my new bathroom that had been freshly installed only a couple of weeks ago.

I opened the door to the bathroom before shutting it stripping off my clothing. I turned on the water to the shower. I sniffed as I wrapped my arms around myself staring at my body in the mirror. I sighed as the mirror began to fog up. I looked down quickly before going into the shower.


As I stepped out of the shower the cold air wrapped around my body. I shivered covering myself with the towel that sat folded on the counter top of the sink. I reached for the door knob my hands shaking a bit in the process. As the door cracked open I saw Robin stare up. I couldn't help but feel a bit odd?

Like, this didn't feel right... Nothing in the moment felt right... Like everything just clicked for a second... Like, I thought, why did Robin's family take us in, why were they acting so weird the past days? But I soon snapped out of that when Robin wrapped his big arms around me.

I smiled as I nuzzled my damp hair into his neck. "Hey..." He whispered into my ear as he ran a hand through my damp hair. "Hi..." I whispered back looking up at him kinda confused. He looked down at me with a small smile. "I need to leave in a bit, I have lunch with my dad..." He said. "Oh okay..." "So, what do you wanna do to pass time?" He whispered again. "Maybe you can let me get dressed?" I chuckled. "Okay then." He smiled before letting me go. "I'll be in my room okay." "Okay."

I went to my drawer before grabbing a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. I didn't feel that good, so I just settled on something basic, and comfortable. I ran a hand through my damp hair grabbing a towel to try and dry it a bit more. As I did I couldn't help but hear the deep voice. Or Robin's dad's voice.

"Robin, I told you, it has to stop soon, so stop getting so comfortable!" I heard the man say in a very serious tone. Confused I continued to listen unbothered by the consequences. "Dad, you know I'm not, and plus, he's annoying, and pretty stupid to even think I like him..." "Well then I advise you to stop trying stuff." Robin's dad said. "What do you mean?" " I saw you coming out of his room last night Robin," it got silent for a moment.

"Lunch is canceled. I'll see you down in the gym in a minute." I heard footsteps grow loud to quiet. I looked down my mind racing... Were they talking about me? I walked out of the room to meet Robin's guilty looking eyes. "Hey..." "Um, I think I'm gonna take a walk." I mumbled quietly before putting on my old converse. "What?" "A walk?" "I don't think that's a great idea Finn, you could get lost." He mumbled quickly as I grabbed my phone.

"I'll be fine." I said before looking up at Robin, "I always am, no need to worry, you can go to the gym with your dad now." "How do you know about that?" "Huh?" "You were listening to our conversation?" "No, why would I do that?" I fake smiled as I walked down the hallway, Robin following close behind me.

"Well- I, Finn!" Robin said unable to find the words as he grabbed my shoulder. I turned quickly looking directly up at him. "What?" "It's not like that?" "What is then? Am I just some lovely lie? That you use..." I was disappointed looking up at him. He stared down unable to speak as he opened his mouth with no words coming out. "Look, um, I'm just gonna take a walk, maybe we can talk after if you want..." I said flatly looking at him blankly. "So you can say something, and..." I looked down. "I'll see you in a bit." I said not being able to finish my sentence.

Robin looked guilty as I walked away. I felt empty in that second as I walked down the cold long hallways. When I reached an exit I walked outside breathing in the mild air, it looked as though the sun would set soon, but I didn't feel all that scared, since I was used to walking outside late at night...alone...

As I walked I felt little cold drops of rain. That was nice huh, I rolled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around myself. It only took a couple of minutes for the rain to actually start pouring as I looked around to see a car.

I didn't think anything of it as I continued walking... Until the car pulled over, like right next to me. I turned the door opening revealing a tall dark skinned guy, with mid-length black faded to red dreads. "You need a ride?" He looked at me. "Um, you may not know, I don't wanna act like a complete stranger, or weirdo saying this. But aren't you Chris's ex-boyfriend?"

"I'm his older brother...I can give you a ride back to his house...If you want." "Um, Okay." I felt dumb in that moment but what heck. "My name is Simon by the way." I nod. "I'm Finney, you can call me Finn though." I smiled glancing at him. "Okay..."


"Um, I don't think Chris is home yet but, I guess make yourself at home?" Simon smiled before taking off his shirt. I blushed before quickly hiding my face as he grabbed a shirt from a hamper sitting near him. "Uh, you're soaked... Do you want a different sweatshirt or something?" "I mean I don't wanna bug or anything." I smiled, "Okay just... Come on." Simone firmly grabs my hand.

"Cool if you come in my room?" "Uh yeah..." "Okay follow me then." He says leading me upstairs to his room.


"Okay, um, do you think one will kinda of fit?" He asked handing me a black oversized hoodie. "Uh sure..." I mumbled. "Okay, I'll be outside. He mumbled before leaving his room. I took of the navy blue sweatshirt I had been wearing before changing into the black one. I looked into the body mirror that lay in the corner of his room. I sighed, and wondered what was gonna happen next...

I didn't feel like proofreading! So, um sorry for any mistakes...

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