Christopher, or just call me Chris Chapter 2

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( Finney Blake )

" I just don't understand, why out of all the people in the world the Arellano's decide to take you. Not that they're bad or anything, they just live sooooo far Finney!" Billy groans tugging on my jacket.

"Well, the only reason they probably did that is just so they can make themselves look better." Vance says walking next to me. "Probably." I agree. We continue to walk until Vance comes to a sudden halt.

"Aw fuck, hide me!" Vance as urgently. Confused both me and Billy scan the area our eyes landing on Bruce. He was also walking towards us. "Hey... Um, is that Vance?" Bruce asks slightly in a whisper tone at the end.

"Uh yeah, sorry for blowing your cover." Billy says laughing as he backs away from Vance, who had been slightly bent over covering his face. "Who are you hiding from?" Bruce says blushing.

I smile knowing the answer already. "Nobody!" Vance says propping himself up while brushing himself off. "Nobody?" Billy says unsure as he looks around once more. "Bruce? Is your name nobody then?" Billy says laughing again.

I chuckle as Vance hits Billy in the head. " Anyways, what's up?" I ask looking at Bruce. "Oh, nothing much, I just wanted to say bye to you, ya know since your moving in with him..." Bruce turns.

And just on cue a car pulls in and the familiar boy gets out. He had his bag, and he looked hot as fuck as he ran his tan hand through his tied back hair. I instantly looked down blushing on the thought of me in the same house as Robin Arellano.

Billy then rubs his black eye as he stares at Robin. "Sure he can be an angel sometimes but his girlfriend and friends can be real fucking devils." Billy says. "Yeah, but Robin is really sweet..." Bruce says looking over to us.

"Plus, he is like one of the only billionaires in that school who doesn't fully look at you with pity." "Wait there's more than one Billionaire in this school?" "Yeah, you didn't know that Vance?" Vance smirks. "Dang, they really are fucking snobs then." 

Bruce rolls his eyes before looking over to me. "Trust me Finney, Robin's really a sweetheart." Bruce says smiling brightly. "Yeah whatever." I say turning to walk towards the last school in line of the three.

"North Golden Valley, North Upper Lake, and, the shit hole, Hillview North...." I mumble looking at the three schools. They all looked pretty appealing, North Golden Valley was fucking luxuary. North Upper Lake, was the most pretty and held probably the smartest kids, Bruce went there. And Billy, Vance, and I went to Hillview North, that place was actually shit.

The place had mold, insects the teachers and shit didn't give a fuck about anything.  It was gross, the only reason they made schools like this was because the rich kids got treated nicely, the normal kids who had just the right enough money and a little bit extra were treated fairly.

But us kids, the ruthless kids, the dirtbag kids, the road side kids. We got treated like bullshit, nothing we did would ever get noticed... And I mean like ever.

Both me and Billy had been walking the same way until I got to the class I hated most... Math, I rolled my eyes to see the teacher not on time, as usual. "I'll text you later!" Billy said running to his next class knowing he would be late since he walked with me.

"Sorry, I'm late!" The teacher called holding her usual 12 ounce of coffee in her right hand, and her big purse hanging on her shoulder on the left.

I nod as some kid pushes open the creaky brown door. "Thank you sweetie." She says squeezing through the door.

We all enter the class room as kids throw their books on the desk loudly. Others just slump down in their chairs putting in earbuds.

"Finney! Sweetie come up here I have a note for you from the main office!" My teacher yells shoving the note in my face as I approach her. "Thanks." I mumble as I walk out of the dim classroom. 

I read the note continuing to walk forward.

You'll be getting a tour of North Golden Valley, Christoper will be filing you out, and around.

I continued to walk looking up from the note to see a tall dark skinned guy. He had black beady eyes, and his hair was styled in the duke... He was leaning on my locker as he turned to face me. "Hey, are you Finney Blake by any chance?" He said flashing me a big smile. "Yeah, are you Christopher?" "Yeah, That's me, nice to meet you!" He says pulling out his hand.

I smiled before quickly shaking his hand.

"So, I'm going to be your guide today, I'll just show you around North Golden Valley, and be like your best buddy." I chuckle looking down. "Okay, Well um let's start then, I'd really like to get out of this shit hole." I say continuing to walk forward.

"Yeah, not going to lie, I thought people were being over dramatic with this place, turns out they weren't." Christopher says laughing as he checks out the main hallway. "Yeah, don't underestimate the roaches in here."

Christoper goes pale as he looks over to me. "Wait, you're not joking?" "No, wait are you scared of cockroaches?" "Who isn't!?!" Christopher says laughing as he picks up his pace. I laugh quietly as we continue to walk.

"Okay, finally." Christopher breathes out as he looks around the outside of Hillveiw North. "Well, I'd hate to say this but it does have a very pretty view." Christopher exhales. "Yeah, I guess that's a plus." I nod as I scan the beauty of the view.

"That's like one of the only good things I've heard about this place so far..." Christopher says turning to me with a smile. "Yeah..." I say chuckling as I turn back to him.

"North Upper Lake does have a pretty view of the lake and stuff too though." I say trailing off as I turn to my left to see the school in the shadow of North Golden Valley. "Yeah, I guess, but this one is way better..." Christopher says chuckling.

"I can kinda agree with that Christopher." "Oh, sorry, no you can call me Chris if you'd like." Christopher says looking down as a red hue starts to line his face.

"Don't only your friends call you that?" "Aren't you my best buddy?" I laughed. "Okay Chris." He smiled at me before looking around. "So do you have a car?" "Um, no..." "Okay cool, I guess were walking then..." Chris says looking down the little highway they created for the school only. 

"Wait I thought you had a car?" "Oh, no I do, I just got dropped off." Chris says smiling. "Oh god, why am I so dumb!" Chris says laughing as he takes his phone out of his pocket.

I looked at him confused. "What?" "Oh, sorry, I can just call the person who dropped me off to pick me up." Chris says laughing embarrassed. "Who dropped you off?" "Oh just an main office worker...." Chris said.

"Oh, okay..." I smile looking forward. 

"Alright all set they should be her in about... 8 minutes... Hopefully?" Chris says. "I like your uniform." Chris says looking at me up at down.

"Thanks... I guess, It's really nothing special, kind of cheap to be honest... Not that I'm ungrateful... It's just... Never mind..."

Chris nods in an understanding way... But he actually looked as though he knew what I felt like, what I was trying to say... He just knew, it was kinda nice to just know someone like that, he was basically Gwen... She understood me... She always did.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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