Apology Chapter 18

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( Robin's POV )

Sure hanging out with Kat was fun but I couldn't help but keep thinking back to Finney smiling with his... His... Smiling with Chris... I mean I wouldn't say I was jealous, like that is soooo not me... Right? Kat rolled her eyes once more slumping back in her chair. "What?" "You keep zoning out after I'm giving you ideas for our Halloween costume!" "Okay god sorry, what do you wanna be?" "What about Ken and Barbie?" I cringe looking at her. "No." "Why not!" "That is literally the most basic idea ever, every couple is probably going as that." I say raising an eyebrow at her.

"Ughhh, I don't know then, that was my only idea." She says looking at me expectantly. "What, every idea I say you think is to ""out of style"" or ""who even is that?"" hmph." I say in a baby voice. Kat only furrows her eyebrows as she looks at me clearly annoyed. "Okay fine true, but any ideas?""Okay um how abou-" "HARLEY QUIN AND THE JOKER!" She screams out before I can finish. "Aren't they toxic?" She looked at me for a moment debating whether or not to say something.

"What?" She giggles before standing up. "Here you go." She smiles before leaving... Like leaving leaving. I opened the note to the familiar words. I'm breaking up with YOU BITCH!!!!

I couldn't help but roll my eyes before throwing the piece of paper on the ground enraged. This was her plan huh, leaving me alone when a party that is mainly known for couples coming right up. Should've thought so. I rolled my eyes once more before storming out of the small eating area we had been sitting in. I checked my phone to only see Kat's Instagram blowing up about her most recent post.

I couldn't help by clicking on it reading the description. 

"I just dumped that sorry Ass!!!!! I'm single and ready to mingle!!!! Btw need a date for a Halloween party! We'll be matching bitches!!!! So hit me up if you have the ballz!"

I immediately sucked in my lips trying to hold off on the laughter as I approached my car. It was even funnier to think she wasn't getting a ride from me, and her phone was also almost dead. I let out small chuckles as I looked around the darkening parking lot. The sun was just setting before my phone buzzed.

At first I expected it to be Kat but it wasn't it was Finney? I went to our messages as I got into my car pulling out my keys.

Finney- Heyyy, when are you gettin back?

Robin- Idk, did you get back already?

Finney- Yeahhhh, how was your date?

Robin- funny, she broke up with me, but idc tbh

Finney- you won't be when you need a date for the party everyone is expecting you at

Robin- Yeah whatever, why are you asking when I'm gettin home anyways?

Finney- I just wanna talk Kk, but gotta go Gwen needs me

Robin- Bye

Finney- bye


I turned on my car quickly before driving off going back to my house. As I drove I was almost confused. Why was Finney so urgent if he was practically dating Chris again? I thought cluelessly as I drove down the dark roads.


I pulled into the driveway looking around to see Finney sitting on the steps to the two door entrance mansion. I couldn't help but smile a bit. I walked over to see Finney smiling up at me as I sat next to him. "So? What did you-" I was cut off as Finney cupped my cheek. "Oh I..." "I'm really sorry about what happened earlier..." I nodded looking down at Finn as he smiled at me. "So um... Where's your head at?" "To be honest all over the place." Finn chuckled removing his hand.

"What's wrong?" "I can't do that to Kat..." "Darling screw her..." Finn chuckles looking up at me once more. "If you insist." Finney smiled before propping himself up kissing me gently and tenderly. His lips felt soft against mine as he cupped my cheek. I smiled into the kiss as I put my hand on Finn's hips pulling him onto my lap. Slowly Finn backed away smiling at me.

"Why'd you stop?" I moaned as Finn stood up. "Just giving you a taste... Darling." He smirked before walking away leaving me stranded as I stared where Finney had once been. "Okay hold on!" I said following him into the house. "Hm?" "You're just gonna lead me on?" I said playfully crossing my arms as I smirked at the boy below me. "I suppose so..." Finn smirked at me. 

"One more?" "What do you-" I cut him off pulling him in by the hips. "You know what doll." I bit my lip as I looked down at Finn. "Do I really?" Finn said sarcastically as he laid his hands on my chest. "Of course you do love." I smirked before kissing Finn more hungrily as I pressed him against the closest wall.

"Does that settle your satisfaction?" "I guess for a bit... Meet me in my room at midnight... For an apology gift of course." I winked at him before walking up the stairs leaving Finn. 


I stared at my phone seeing the time, it was now 12:04... I seemed desperate waiting every minute to see a text from Finn or even just a knock. But then I heard it... a small light knock. I walked over to my door to see Finn smiling. "Hey." "Hey". I looked him up and down seeing the desirable figure in front of me. "Come here." I motioned taking Finn's hand. He smiled taking my hand before closing and locking the door quickly.

He giggled as I pulled him onto my lap sitting on the bed. "What's this?" "A bandanna...I used to wear those all the time... Especially when I was thirteen, I had a major faze of always having it on." Finn smirked taking attention to the gray piece of fabric. He picked it up before tying it around my head.

"Like this?" "Well I had my hair out." Finn quickly pulled out the low bun. "This?" "Yep..." I smiled as Finney smiled looking down at me. "You look... Sexy, it's definitely your look." "Oh do I?" I smiled as I pulled Finney closer. He playfully rolled his eyes. "Yeahhh, I love it..." Finney began to play with my hair as he smiled down at me. 


But anyways hehehe, um so ya'll know that girl who called my VIRGIL yeahhhh well she has this boyfriend right... And he's like kinda fineeeee, and he's bi, and so am I, if you kinda see where this is going... Well he just like kinda got my number anddddd now we're talking... And she got mad at me for "stealing her man" ummm Idk what to do now though lol.

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