Chapter 11

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( Robin's POV )

"Finney?" "What?" "What are you doing?" "Just listening to music." "What song?" "None of your business." Finney says rolling his eyes. "I never heard of that song." I say dumbly looking at him with a smirk. "Okay..." Finney says raising an eyebrow as he looks at me confused. "What?" "Nothing." Finney answers quickly before looking back at his small screen of his phone.

"Ya know, I think I might break up with Kat...." I say slowly as I look at him. He looks up quickly and is confused. "Robin You've said and done that A hundred times, It never happens you always go back to each other." Finney says boredly. "No I actually mean it." "Uhuh." Finney looks back at his screen. 

"What are you doing in my room anyways?" Finney says not taking his eyes off his phone. "Hm?" "What are you doing in my room?" "Just hanging out, I'm bored as fuck..." "Well that sucks." Finney says flashing me a sarcastic grin. 

"I miss the first days you came...." I say as I walk over to his bed. "Uhuh." Finney says looking up at me. I then sat on his bed snatching his phone out of his hands. "Hey!" Finney yells trying to grab his phone back. "Yeah noooo, I'm bored Finney! Let's go out!" "No..." "Ughhh, you're no fun."

"Okay that's fine, can I have my phone back?" "No, not until you go out with me." I say proudly as I hold his phone above my head. "Robin..." Finney says in a warning tone. "Give. It. Back." "What? do you have dirty stuff on it?" I laughed. Finney groans as he throws his head down onto his pillow.

"Fine... Where are we going?" "I don't know..." I say slipping Finney's Phone into my pocket. "Maybe the boardwalk?" "Ehhhh." Finney says looking at me. "I'm guessing you'll say no to all my other ideas, so lets just go to the boardwalk!" I say pulling Finney by the wrist. He gently gives up as I drag him out of his room.


"ROBIN!" "What?" "Oh my god that has been the fifth parking spot we've missed." Finney says as he slumps back into his seat. "Calm down, I always park somewhere we'll be fine..." I say glancing at Finney. 

"Sure we will." Finney said bitterly. "What's your problem?" "What do you mean?" "You've been acting like a jerk lately... I mean I don't want to be rude and say it but, you're being so rude and shit, especially to me..." I say continuing to drive quietly.

"I'm not acting like a jerk, I just feel like you're trying to piss me off, and you kinda are." Finney says staring out the window. "Well, I don't mean to, and I'm sorry." I say quietly. "Wow, an apology, I'm so grateful." Finney says in a sarcastic tone. "Okay shut the fuck up Finn, you're acting like a dick." "No, I'm soooo sorry." "Fuck you Finn." I say rolling my eyes as I pull into a parking spot.

"Just give me my phone, I can uber back." "No, I'm making up for lost time... And so you won't treat me like shit anymore so just fucking deal with it doll." I say as I get out of my car. "Robin, just give up, you're not gonna do anything..." Finney says sternly as he follows me. 

"We don't know that..." I say as I walk up the wood stairs. "Well I do, and you really getting on my nerves so just give me my fucking phone!" Finney says twisting my wrist so I turned. "Finney... Come on, stop you're being weird." I say slapping his hand away. "No I'm not, you are..." Finney says. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know... The fact that maybe I had a small crush on you, and then the second I reject you, you fuck your girlfriend basically right in front of me. And you know what else" Finney say bitterly. "What the fuck are you talking about?" "What am I talking about? You know perfectly well what I'm talking about!" Finney says annoyed. 

"No! Finney clearly I don't!" I say loudly. "Well you should!" Finney yells as he walks back down the wood stairs. "Finney!" I yell as I follow after him. "I didn't do jack shit!" "Yes you did! YES YOU FUCKING DID ROBIN!" "What was this in the past or some shit?" "NO!" 

"THEN WHEN WAS THIS!" I yelled annoyed. "JUST A WEEK AGO! YOU THINK IT'S FUNNY TO GET KIDS TO STEAL THERE FUCKING VIRGINITY?" "What are you talking about..." I say confused. "Your minions yeah... Well it turns out they are all perverts... You know I find it actually fucking weird you just sent them to do that to me!" Finney yells as tears fall down his face. "What?"

"YOUR FRIENDS FUCKING RAPED ME ROBIN!" "No they didn't..." I say shaking my head in disbelief. "They did Robin, they fucking did... Left me a message too." Finney says handing me a note.  "Wait Finn you have to believe me, I didn't do this..." I say rushing towards him. 

"Save it... I don't want to talk to people like you... I thought that you were actually a good person thanks to Bruce... But Billy is right... You are just some rich snob, who treats lower people like toys... I was so fucking dumb!" Finney says as tears begin to fall from his eyes. "I WAS SO FUCKING DUMB FOR BELIEVING YOU!" Finney said angrily as he pointed to himself. 

"Finney... Please that wasn't me! I don't even know what you're talking about!" I yell as I try to grab onto to Finney. I looked deeply into his eyes... And the only things I saw was... Hate, Rage, Anger... And pain...

"Finney I promise it wasn't me." I mumbled frowning. " Robin... I trusted you... But I don't think I will believe you if you even promise anymore." Finney said in between sobs. "I don't think I can trust anyone to be honest..." Finney mumbles before slipping out of my grip. "I'll see you back at your house..."

"Wait, you have to come back with me..." "No... It's fine, I'll just get Bruce to pick me up..." "Finney please..." "Robin... no..."

I AM SO SO SOSO SOSOSOSOSOSO Sorry I haven't posted, I just haven't been feeling that good , and I'm soooooo busy. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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