Don't Say That Chapter 29

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(Robin's POV)

Finney probably stood there for a good minute before turning around to face me. "What did you just say?" He said tears were still laced under his eyes. "I... I love you." I said slipping over my words.

Sure I meant it... But I felt guilty for saying it. 

"Robin... No..." "Finney please..." I say... I looked at him my eyes filled with despair waiting for a response. He just stood there instead. He looked at me with a sort of guilt in his eyes before looking down at his feet. "Why are you saying this now?" Finney practically whispered. "Because... I do, I do love you, and I'm sorry if you don't love me back." "Robin I can't do this right now." "Just tell me Finn!" "Not now!" "Come on!" Finney sighed. His breathing was shaky and very shallow as he glanced up at me. "Robin, I just, need... We just need some..." I looked at him confused. 

"Are you breaking up with me?" "No, well... Yes, but I don't really want to." "Then why are you!?!" "Because Robin! You're a stupid rich kid that has practically everything and I'm just some broke ruthless kid!" "So like everything meant nothing then?" I questioned. "No! I never said that!" Finney said raising his voice. I'm guessing we forgot we were in a hotel... With people, but then again, it really felt like only me and Finn.

"Look, I just think it's best if we just consider...having some distance." Finney said rubbing his arms. I looked at him fighting back tears in my eyes. "Don't say that Finn." "I'm sorry... I mean, do you really think we were gonna last that long though... Were opposites...And not the typical clickable ones...We just don't match..." Finney said looking down. "I'll see you...later." Finney mumbled before walking away from me. My eyes swelled with tears. 

I turned away going towards my hotel room. 

I slammed the door shut tears rushing down my face like a waterfall. I looked like a mess. I threw off my dress shirt before collapsing onto my bed. I didn't even know how to feel... All I felt was anger, but I wanted to cry... I missed him but I hated that he did that to me... What did I do wrong... Nothing! And he just has to do this to me... I sat in bed sobbing, feeling like complete shit. 


The next day went by and I informed my parents where I was, but they honestly didn't care...All they cared about was burning all of Gwen and Finney's stuff. Or throwing their shit into the dumpster. 

I rubbed my eyes checking the time to see it was 1:18 pm. I turned hearing a sudden knock on the door, and in came Jason, my best friend. "Hey." I said plastering a fake smile. "Robin dude, where have you been? Like you've been missing school everyday, like our team actually sucks without you." Jason said chuckling at the end. "I've been busy..." "Your parents told me you'd be here..." Jason said sitting down next to me on the bed. "It's pretty nice here though not gonna lie."

Jason checked out the place for a second before turning to me once again. He looked at me with this sort of look as though I was in for a rude awakening. "What?" "What?" "You're giving me that look as though you're about to like f-bomb me." Jason only had a stiff smile before he slowly lowered his head. "Uh, well last night I managed to call Finney." My eyes widened. "Wait you know?" "About the break up, of course I do." 

"And well he's. He's moving, and Gwen." Jason added. "WAIT WHAT? Where!?!" I was surprised and yet upset at the same time. "Um... North Carolina." My eyes widened. "But that's like over 2,000 miles away!" I said the pit of my stomach feeling empty and deep. "Yeah, and he seemed scared about the whole situation... Turns out he has an uncle over there who is gonna take them in." My eyes felt watery again at the thought of Finney moving that far away from me.

"Why is he doing this!?!" "He wants a fresh start, and I mean being truly honest, I would move too considering my name is all over the news about hooking up with some famous, rich kid." My eyes widened once more. "WHAT?" "Yeah, maybe don't turn your phone off when a really big thing is happening with your sex life... Like dude, there's a whole crew of camera guys lined out there asking for pictures and shit."Jason half laughed. "Got it not the right time." Jason mumbled when he noticed my serious expression. 

"Look, all Finney said was he wanted to say goodbye or whatever... And he didn't want a major thing... And if I'm being honest he sounded like he'd actually prefer a half- arsed apology, or goodbye." I looked down knowing how majorly I messed up. "Hey, it's okay." Jason rested a hand on my shoulder. "I mean, both of you guys were in a tough situation everything with your dad and stuff..."


*Flash Back, Robin's POV*

(Summer of 2018)

At the time I barely understood... Me and Jason had been on a call, on my brand new cellphone that I had purchased just last week. My parents expected me to be asleep at this time... But I wasn't...I mean after all it was summer. And I was 11 at the time, and starving, so I went downstairs to just get a bag of chips. On my way I heard the main entrance door open. And there stood my mom closing the door quietly. She was wearing a long brown coat, the ones detectives would wear or something. I smiled seeing her as I was about to walk down the stairs until my dad practically stomped towards her. "ISLA! Where have you been?!?" She looked scared. "I knew it." My dad said coldly. "Mason, it's not like that..." "Your makeup is a mess so is your hair, you've been sneaky!" My dad said raising his voice. I raised an eyebrow, Jason is still on the call in my room. ----- The rest was a blur

------- All I found out that night was my parents had many afairs...And...they were divorced, and just put on a fake act as though they were still married Every single damn day.


I nodded slowly. "How about you get ready and go say your goodbyes to Finney... I mean he's leaving... tomorrow." "I'll see you soon alright." Jason sighed patting me on the back." "Okay." I mumbled. He nodded before leaving my room. I got out of bed sighing. 

Shit... How was I gonna do this.... 

I HOPE YOU ENJOYED! Also ya'll need to search up what the song means, Because IT MATCHES SO MUCH! Btw it's called Tear in my heart, by Twenty one pilots

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