Oh Shit Chapter 16

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( Finney's POV )

"mmm..." I groaned feeling a heavy arm around my chest. I thought it was Chris at first until I looked at the arm, and fully woke... And remembered what happened last night. "Shit..." The arm around was tan, the knuckles were still slightly bruised and I had zero clothing on... And I was in my room that had Robin's favorite suit on the floor, and my sweatpants plus my t shirt.

I got up quickly looking at Robin whose hair had been messy, which was all over the place. "Robin!" I whispered shoving him. His eyes lazily opened looking up to me. "Whattttt!" He groaned. "Shut up!" I said annoyed, I slapped his arm making him rub his eyes in tiredness. "What the hell..." He moaned as he propped himself up on the pillow. 

Flashbacks of what had happened kept coming back to me last night, it felt like a nightmare... But yet still a dream... as I thought about it blankly. I looked over to my nightstand... A condom box... Well at least we wer- "Finney, about last night..." "No, It's, That... That... Th- Last night was a completely honest mistake, I'm sorry, Robin.... I just... I don't know... I'm just completely lost now... I have to tell Chris... Shit...." I said looking around frantically.

I looked over to Robin who was biting his lip. "I Finn, I swear, it was just... Griffin, he um, gave me advice, and clearly I got too confident... I'm sorry... I'm really Sorry Finney." He stands up putting on his pants quickly. "Can you..." I picked up his phone and handed it over to him. "Oh shit." "What?" "Kat, she sent over 150 messages..." "I gotta go Finn." Robin said quickly before leaving.

I nodded slowly grabbing my underwear and sweat pants. I buried my head in my hands feeling like complete crap, why was I being so dumb? I thought, I was so fucking dumb for that! I thought. I couldn't help but begin to cry a bit, I was a terrible person now, Chris would call me a cheater and the he wo-

"Hey!" I look up quickly seeing Chris smiling. "Why are you here?" "It's Saturday, and it's also 1 pm, did you just get out of bed?" Chris chuckles walking over to me. He smiles sitting on the bed. "Hey you okay? You don't look great?" I nod quickly as I looked down almost scared to even talk to Chris. 

My phone buzzes. He smiles looking at my nightstand before seeing the box. "Oh, did you?" He laughs as he takes the box. "Oh, did you... I thought you were a virgin? did you... I mean... Finney, I don't want to be annoying, but um, why do you have this?" Chris says holding up the box a bit. "I um...." "I just had them just in case?" "But you clearly used them..." Chris says pointing to the small ripped open packets. "You used two... too..." He gulped looking at me.

"You really do not want to know what I'm thinking right now..." He smiled. I looked down completely speechless. "Finney tell me, tell me please..." Chris begged. I looked up slightly seeing small tears forming in his eyes. "Finney... Please..." He said frowning at me. "I'm sorry..." I said as tears slipped down my face. "With Robin?" I nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry, I have to go..." Chris said standing up quickly before walking out wiping his nose. He gently closed my door as I heard his footsteps get quieter. I buried my head in my knees, I felt like one of the worst people in the world, I was such a dick! I thought the only thing I could think about was Chris or Robin.

My mind rushed with thoughts, I needed to apologize to him, today...  or tomorrow so he can have some time. I felt terrible and guilty as I felt my hot tears fall down my face violently. I heard a quiet knock on my door then. I looked up seeing Gwen peak her head through the door.

"Hey? Are you feeling alright?" Gwen asked quickly walking up to me. "Yeah... fine." I said wiping my eyes. "You don't look alright... Was it Chris? I saw his car pull up and the next second it was gone..." Gwen mumbles as she rubs my back. 

"I had sex with Robin last night." I said in a scratchy voice. as I looked up at her guiltily. "Oh Finney..." "I feel really terrible right now." "No offence but I think you should be... I would be..." "I hope.." I say trying to force a smile as I looked at her. "Finney, you made a mistake, but you need to just, learn from them, and face the music, you need to apologize... Really soon to Chris, and Robin..."

"You can't just lead them on, as much as I love you Finney you just need to own up to your mistakes..." I nod gently as I smiled warmly at her. "Thanks Gweny." "Anytime... And put that box away before the maid finds it when she cleans up your room." "Oh shut up." I laugh as I pull Gwen into a hug. 

"Love you too Big bro..." "I love you too..." I mumbled as I rested my head on her shoulder. "You'll be okay, just apologize." "I think I actually like Robin... But I also like Chris... I don't know Gwen, I don't know what to do?" I said hopelessly. as I stared at my wall still remaining in the tight hug.

"Just think about it, which one would be there, which one do you want to be there, and which one will actually be there." Gwen said releasing me from the hug. "You just need to decide, I know it'll be really hard but in the end, I'll still be supportive of you..." I smiled.

"You're the best younger sister in the whole universe!" I said chuckling. Gwen only laughed looking at me with a warm smile. "You're the best Big brother out of all the universes!" Gwen said giggling as she looked at me keeping the warm smile on her face. 

I hope you enjoyed!

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