On My Mind Chapter 21

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(Finney's POV)

I sat there blankly not knowing what to do, or even say... I watched as Simon kept taking 'secret' glance as me. "So, what's your deal?" "What?" "You're the broke kid that just randomly gets adopted by the Arellano's, probably one of the richest families in the world." Simon says turning to me. "You're a ruthless, but you're still getting treated like a silver, and some might even consider you a golden now..." Simon looks at me. I only raise an eyebrow at him. "Look, I barely know you so can you stop bitching at me for a second?" I asked rolling my eyes at the guy infront of me.

"Okay, gosh, I didn't know you were so sensitive." Simon said rolling his eyes as he slumped back into the couch we were currently sitting on. I suddenly looked over to the main entrance door opening revealing Kat, and Robin? 

Robin looked at me confused before he noticed Simon, his face darkened at the sight of Simon, as though they had history? "What are you doing here?" "What?" "I thought you were going on a walk?" "I did, and I got lost... Plus if you didn't notice, it's pouring outside." I mumbled quietly before turning away from Robin. "Not usual by the way." Simon smirked as he turned to look at Robin. Robin nodded.

I could probably say the same to Robin, about showing up here with Kat... But I didn't want to make a scene. So I stayed quiet. I looked at  the burning fire pit that was lit a couple hours ago. My mind was entirely empty as I looked at the burning embers flake around the fire place.

"Finney?" I turned to see Kat. "Yeah?" "Are you okay?" "What?" "Are you okay?" She asked again, I'm guessing this caught both Simon and Robin's attention as they finally stopped bickering. "Um, yeah I'm fine why?" "It's just you looked... I don't know... Lost?" "Oh, no I'm fine, I just zone out sometimes..." I smiled at her. "Oh okay then..." She looked away before smiling to herself about something.

It only took another minute before I heard Simon and Robin talking again. I didn't really care to listen as I leaned back into the couch focusing on the fireplace.  I don't know why but my mom kept popping up in my head. Like it was starting to get hard to remember what she looked like... It was getting hard to imagine her face... She almost looked like a blur when I thought about her...And so was my dad...

Not that I was fully complaining  about forgetting him. It just felt different without them... It also felt different as I didn't talk to Billy as frequently... Or Bruce... And I barely had any contact with them... I didn't know what was up with them... I didn't even know what Vance got on his latest test grade, which he bragged about if it was higher than a 60. I felt distant... And I really couldn't remember the last time I even hung out with Gwen...

As I sat there I realized I was distancing myself from the people I cared about the most... Billy and I were best friends... Now were just friends? Bruce and I were friends... Now we're just close... I haven't texted them in months, and I haven't even called.... Vance, to me now was just a guy... 

I looked down realizing... I've ghosted practically everyone in my life for... For Robin... My eyes widened. Oh fuck... They probably hate me... I thought....

I took out my phone checking Bruce's latest Instagram post... He was... He was having fun with Billy and Vance, and some other dude that I didn't know... I felt an empty hole grow in my stomach as I stared at my ex-friends smiling with each other... They were laughing together in our secret spot... The spot we discovered when we were only 10 years old...


"VANCE COME HERE!!!" Billy yelled as he chased him hands out. "NOOOOO" Vance screamed as he ran away from Billy. Bruce was bursting out in giggles as they ran around the baseball field. "GUYS! wait for me!" Finney yelled as he ran towards the group. "How was your game?" Billy asked. "Good!" "Guys!" "What?" Vance asked coming towards me and Billy. "I'm turning 10 today!" "You already did." Bruce chuckled. "Technically I didn't I was born at 10:17 a.m. exact!"  "TeChNiCaLlY i wAs BoRn aT 10:17!" Billy said in a mocking voice. "Oh please." I said rolling my eyes playfully pushing him. "Why are you guys still wearing your uniforms?" "I don't know?" I said looking at my pale yellowish striped jersey. Bruce shrugged along with me as Vance looked at me and Bruce for an answer. "Anyways, when we were driving back from the baseball game there was like a little opening to the woods there in the back of the parking lot." Finney said pointing to that exact area. "Oh, yeah, no one goes back there... But I always wanted to go..." Vance said looking in the same direction as me. Billy nodded along with Bruce. "Lets go then!" Billy said grabbing my hand and dragging me along.


as they reached the place it only took them a couple of minutes to go into the small opening. There was a small opening revealing nothing but strong trees... But as they continued walking there were stumps scattered and it looked like a dump to an old family that used to live around the corner. It was almost like teenagers hung out here but soon abandoned it as they finally got too old. There was a shelf on the ground that was filled with old comics, that were in decent shape... ash trays, that were chipped. There was a large stump though in the middle that caught all the boys attention. It was almost as though they carved it into chairs of some sort, perfect to sit on. "Wait... Move guys..." Vance said taking out a pocket knife. "What are you doing?" Bruce was confused as Vance approached the stump. "This should be our place..." Vance smiled proudly looking around. "Sure..." "But what should we call it?" I looked around. Vance signed his name with the knife handing it on. "What about...Vicious Bitches Beat Fuckers!" Billy said smiling proudly. They all look at Billy raising an eyebrow. "What... Just a suggestion..."  "How about, Venom Bites Bitches Fastest." "Oh, are we using initials?" Bruce asked as he looked at both Billy and Vance. "Clearly." Finney laughed. "Why don't we just call it special spot?" Finney suggested, "SS, for short." Finney said. "It works." Vance said. All the boys smiled as they stared at the signed stump with all their names in a star. "And it's perfect because our special shape is a star!" Billy said. "Yeah," Bruce said smiling. "Perfect." Finney smiled. "Now, We need to look at these comics!" Billy said excited. 

I hope you enjoyed!

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