The Gym Chapter 7

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( Robin's POV )

After breakfast to be honest it was all just a blur. Finney's friend had come over. Billy Showalter, I knew he was a ruthless and didn't have the best home life but... He seemed okay.

"Robin!" My dad's booming voice sounded as he walked into my room. I laid there motionlessly staring at me phone. "Yeah dad?" I say quickly getting up to look at him. "Are you going to the Gym?" "What?" "The Gym Robin, It's Saturday." He said crossing his arms.

"Oh yeah... Forgot." I laughed. "Well Finney is down there." He said rolling his eyes as he looked down. "Finney?" "He does track... He's actually pretty fast..." My father trails off looking around my room.

"Alright chop chop Robin I want you down there by 4:00 and back at least at 6:45." My dad says before leaving in a rush.

I nod before going to the "Basement" Down there, was a movie room a bar, the gym a basketball court, a pool, and a game room. 

"Hey Finn." I say as I open the clear door to the gym. He nods to me scrolling on his phone. "Are you practicing?" "Might as well, running helps me clear my mind." Finney says putting his phone down.

He looked up to me innocently as he sat on the black patted bench. "What?" I ask confused looking back down at him. "Nothing." He mumbles before standing up. "What are you going to do anyways?" 

"Just lifting and running... Maybe another thing or two." I said looking around the room. Finney nods before walking into the small bathroom that was in the gym.


After 1 hour I was moving on to the treadmill,Finney had still been next to me... He was sweating and his shirt clung tightly around his body as he pushed back his curly hair. "How many miles?" I ask trying to tear my eyes away from him.

"About 3?" He smiled looking over at me. I nod smiling back. "How long have you been doing track?" "3 years." Finney answers. "Cool." I say increasing my speed. "You almost done for the day?"

"Uh close...I guess, I've been running for over an hour..." He huffs. "That's nice..." I mumble slightly upset Finn was leaving soon.

I glanced at his speed before looking over to mine. We were about the same. I thought smirking to myself. 

I stepped to the side of my treadmill gazing at Finn playfully. "What?" He said glancing at me as he slowed down his pace to walking speed. "Nothing... Wanna run together?" "Aren't we already?" Finn laughs looking at me confused.

"Go to jogging pace." I say smirking. I pointed to the button and Finney confused clicks it before beginning to jog. I then step over to Finney's treadmill jogging behind him.

"What are you doing?" Finney laughs glancing back at me. "Jogging." I smirk putting my hands on Finn's stomach. Finney quickly pushes the emergency stop. "What are you doing?" He says turning around to face me. I stepped off as Finney escalated closer to me. 

"Just having fun?" I say smirking at Finney playfully.

He raises an eyebrow looking at me. "Really?" He says looking down at me. "Really." I say picking him up. "What ar-" "No questions Doll." I say putting my finger over his thin lips.

He looks down at my finger confused. I stood there firmly still holding Finn. 

Finney placed his hand on my finger moving it down to my side. "Robin..." He says smiling at me. "May you?" "Put you down... Yeah maybe in a second."

"Wait wha-" Before I let him finish his sentence I brought him over to a weight bench. I place him down pulling him close. "You know Finn you can be so clueless yet... So fucking cute." I smile tucking a hair behind his ear.

He looks at me his face slightly red. He opens his mouth but no words come out. I chuckle bitting my lip.

I leaned in close to him grabbing his hand. "You know you can really make someone fall for you..." I say smiling at him.

I gently pick up his hand in mine kissing his gently. He blushes brightly looking down at his hand. "I'd love to stay Darling...But I wouldn't want you to fall too hard..." I get up leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. 

"Just remember for the time being, you're mine Darling." I whisper into Finney's ear. "I'll see you later love." I smile before leaving Finn flustered.

I smirked in justice as I left the gym going upstairs for a shower of some sort. As I do I walk up the stairs from the basement. 

"Robin." My mom says smiling. "Someone is here for you and actually Finney too." "What?" "Kat and Christopher? There here to pick you up and go to a drive in movie." My mom says patting me on the back.

"I told them they'll be ready in a second so go shower honey." She smiles. "Oh and get Finney... Christopher is here for him and Kat is here for you." 

"Why is Chris here?" "Finney, he would probably just be third wheeling if you and Kat just went." I roll my eyes before looking back to see Finn staring at me. "Chris is here?" "For you yeah." I say rolling my eyes.

"Okay, tell him I'll be down in a sec." Finney says before rushing up the stairs. I follow after him before we reach my room. "Hey..." I say opening my door to the room before pinning him against the wall.

"What's up?" "Ya know Finn, I would like it if you didn't try anything with Chris tonight if that's okay..." I say pulling Finn closer. "Try something? Yeah I wasn't planning on that anyways..." "Drive-ins are the best place to hook up, it would be awkward if you didn't..."

"So you want me to hook up and then you don't?" "You can, just know...That... If he makes a move, I might too..." I say pulling Finn even closer.

We were now inches away from each other. "I know you want me Finn..." I cup my hand over his cheek. "But for now our story is unsaid..." I bite my lip before tracing my thumb over his bottom lip.

"But, I can see the future of this... just more... More labeled." I back away from Finn. "Don't have too much Fun." I say before leaving Finn speechless as I go to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry I haven't updated in almost a week.

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