Drama + Fights = School Chapter 3

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 ( Robin's POV )

I stood there staring at the boy. He was looking at me just a couple of seconds ago before I had pulled in. I stared back at him until he turned. He didn't look over my way but, he looked over to the school I went to. North Golden Valley.

My eyes widened seeing the guy. He looked... Like, fucking, Gorgeous. I thought staring at him blankly. His hair was perfectly curled and had the face of a literal angel. His lips were thin and a light pink. And the sun shined perfectly onto his pale skin.

But most importantly his face caught my attention most... I recognized it... I just couldn't think of his name...

The boy glanced in my direction but just as I was about to give him a small smile Kat swooped in.

"Hey!" I looked down at her confused about why she was talking to me after this morning. "What?" "Well that was rude." Kat says flicking her long black braids. Her dark skin glowed in the sunlight as she stared at me.

"I expected a little more respect considering I'm your girlfriend..." Kat says giving me a sarcastic smile. "Ex-girlfriend, remember this morning?" I say raising my eye brow as I lean against my car. 

"That was just a little fight... I promise it won't happen again." She says laying her hands on my chest. "Yeah, you always say that, it's getting slightly hard to actually believe now." I say looking away from her. 

"Hey, Robin, you know I love you, and you know you love me... So let's just be happy..." Kat smiles biting her lip as she stares at me longingly.

"Fine, but quick then please." I say as she leads me off to an storage room.

She pulls me into the room quickly flashing me a smirk before kissing me hungrily.

I locked the door quickly before picking her up and throwing her against the wall gently. She giggled as I moved to her neck kissing it quickly. "Why are you in such a rush we still have like 6 minutes." Kat laughed looking down at me.

"I know..." I say smiling up at her. She smiled back down at me before leaning in to kiss me. "Robin, you're so sweet!" She giggled as she combed back my hair. I plastered a fake smile as I let her down gently.

She then started to kiss me again but I lightly pushed her off. "Maybe we should go?" "Robin..." I look up in defeat as she comes closer once again kissing my lips.


I sat in class with my mind on the boy that had been looking at me before... And the boy I kept staring at all morning.

The bell suddenly rang as the teacher dismissed the class quickly. 

I walked out of the room going to the Basketball court. "Hey!" I turn to see Chris next to me. "Hey, where have you been?" "Oh, I had to show that kid around you know Finney Blake right. I know he's staying with you... Right?" "Uh, yeah I think so..." I thought for a moment as we reached the locker rooms. 

"Alright boys! Practice is outside! So just get changed grab your stuff, and you're out!" My couch yelled as the rest of the team filed in.

I turned to the left facing a wall of lockers. "Sup Rob." I turned to see Andrew... I hated him. "Hey." I say boredly back as I grab my basketball jersey. I threw it on quickly as Chris came up to me. "Dude Finney's here." He says slightly excitedly. "What have you got a crush on this kid already?" I laughed.

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