Why aren't you answering me? Chapter 9

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( Robin's POV )

I stare at Finney slightly annoyed. After what happened he didn't say a single word to me... like at all. Was I being the bitch for wanting a response so soon? I mean... Kinda?

"Finney!" I groan annoyed falling backwards onto my bed. "Finn!" I say again not looking at him on the floor against a wall scrolling through his phone. "Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn!" I begin to moan rolling over to see Finney with ear buds in. "UGH"

I get up before walking over to Finney snatching away his ear buds. "Hey!" "Answer me!" I say pleadingly as I toss his earbuds onto the night stand. 

I lean down now towering over Finn. He quickly sits up heaving himself back as he slides up the wall. "What?" "Nothing..." He says before quickly leaving my room. 

"Oh Finney!" I hear my mom say. "Your room is actually ready!" She says excitedly. "Way faster than expected!" I then hear foot steps get faint.

Was it something I did or said? I wonder, confused as I pace around my room. Did Finney find it  that weird... Is he not into me... Is he not into guys!!?! My mind wondered until Finney came back. He nods to me before quickly grabbing his stuff and earbuds.

"Bye..." Finney left without any words as he heaved out his suitcase.

( Two Weeks later )

"ROBIN!" I suddenly saw Kat standing there smiling. "Hey babe have you seen my phone?" "Uh no?" "Oh okay... Well why is Chris's car here?" " What do you mean?" I turn around to see Chris's car parked next to my moms. "Oh, I mean I don't know maybe he's uh... Just hanging out with Finney?" I say trying to convince myself they weren't doing anything.

"Whatever... So am I staying over or what?" "Probably not... It's Sunday." "So?" "So, we can't have you stay late..." "Ugh you're so boring." With that Kat drove off quickly.

I rolled my eyes before walking away into the big house. 

I began heading towards my bedroom passing Finney's on the way there. As I did I heard talking.

"You know... I'm really sorry about what happened... And I'll respect that you're not ready to take that step with me." I heard Chris's voice say. "No... Well, Chris I'm not exactly trying to reject you... I just think all of this is happening too soon... If you get what I mean." "Yeah... We only just met a couple of weeks ago." "Yeah..." "Best if I head out now... I'll see you tomorrow in school."

I quickly noticed I had to leave or they would catch me... But what was he talking about... Rejecting? Did he ask out Finney. I turned around hearing the door open to see a smiling Chris. "Hey." I say looking at him boredly. "Hey... Just leaving now. See you tomorrow." Chris smiles before leaving the house.

I waited a second before barging into Finney's room. 

"What the fuck?" I say as I slam the door shut. He looks up quickly confused. "What?" "When did Chris ask you out?" "That's not your business." "God Finn, just tell me! You've been ignoring me for almost two weeks!" I say pleadingly as I get up.

"Is it what happened at the drive in! Because I swear I am super sorry for that!" Finn looks away from me. "I mean...Kinda..." "So are you gonna date him?"

"I don't know!" Finney says looking up at me annoyed. "God, what is your problem?" "My problem? Robin you put me in the most confusing and difficult spot right now! You kiss me and still are dating Kat, and then some guy asks me out who is really sweet and nice!"

"That's not difficult Finn! Just choose one!" I say raising my voice. "Choose? Who said choose! maybe I don't want either? Or what if I don't have to choose since one of them isn't even an option!" Finn stares at me frowning.

"It isn't fair that I have to choose... It isn't fair because when I choose I either lose someones trust or lose a friendship! That's pretty difficult to me.... Maybe to you it's like just doing eeny meeny miny moe... But for me if I make a wrong decision I don't get a second chance like you always do Robin." Finney says looking at me.

He was standing now as he looked up at me. "I don't know... I'm just confused so I have to do what I think is best... And that to me is to give space to you and me..." I look down "But Finn, I don't want space. I want us to be friends..." "Believe me Robin I do too... But maybe us as friends wouldn't work... Because you would want to take that further and I'm not entirely open to doing that yet."

"Finn, You know I'll wait for you..."I say in an arguing tone. "I always will!" I say. "I..." Finney opened his mouth but no words came out. "I'm sorry..." He said quietly before looking at me in the eye.

"You know what screw this..." I scoff before storming out of the bedroom. I slam the door shut regretting what I had just said.

I quickly went to my bathroom fighting back tears. Why was it that when I find someone that I like I can't have them? There's always someone else they prefer... Someone they'll always pick over me....

I'm never the first choice... But for once I thought I was for someone actually worth it... But yet again I'm not... Christopher Brown is the first option... He always was... And I was dumb enough to think that Finney actually had feelings that ran a bit deep... But I was wrong.

I slid down the door. As tears silently trailed down my face. I stayed silent... I didn't want to sob...

It wasn't worth a sob... I was being dumb...Dumb enough to fall for Finney Blake...

HIIIIII, okay so sorry that this was kinda short...But I hope you enjoyed!

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