Friends Chapter 26

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(Finney's POV)

"You know, We could always go to a hotel if you're not comfortable seeing Bruce, and Vance... And Billy." Gwen said nudging me as we walked through the familiar town me and Gwen grew up in. "I never said that." I said defensively as I looked over at her. "Well, still, you seem, I don't know, weird." Gwen mumbled looking at me. "How?" "Like, you barely spend time with your real friends... And me sometimes." My eyes slightly widened before I turned to Gwen.

"I make you feel that way?" "Yeah... I mean sometimes... Like you're just off with all of Robin's rich friends, and I'm just left behind talking to Robin's mom about things I have no interest in at all... And I don't want to be dramatic, so I just stuck with it." Gwen said looking down now. I didn't really know how to apologize to her so I stayed quiet for a moment before speaking again. "Look, I'm really sorry I made you feel that way... And I didn't mean to do that... At all!" I said quickly. 

Gwen chuckled. "No it's fine, I'm just... Feeling home sick sometimes, like it looked like it was really easy for you to just let go of the town we grew up in... The town you did so many things in..." Gwen said. I looked down feeling guilty. "It really wasn't." "What?" "Letting go of everything... Billy and Bruce were like my best friends... And so was Vance... It was hard at first, but I guess over time, I was just so obsessed with Robin, and myself that, I practically forgot about everything... Including my friends, and... well, you." I said slowly. Gwen only smiled. 

"And about getting a hotel, I don't think we can even generally afford a night." I smiled. She only giggled before nodding. "Yeah I guess." 

For the rest of the walk it was silent, along with a few point outs when we saw some place we honestly loved. It was quiet, but at the same time it wasn't... Cars occasionally beep their horns... birds chirped... You could hear the small rustle of the trees in the cool wind that swept past us... When we got to the neighborhood Bruce lived in... I glanced around only to see the baseball field that I got my first home run, my first jersey... My first best friend. There were two young kids laughing loudly one wearing a baseball cap holding a wooden bat, while the other stood holding a glove and baseball. It made me smile knowing that, I had that... But the smile soon left my lips realizing I lost that too.

Gwen smiled at me before continuing to walk to Bruce's house. 


We were only a block away now, and I felt overly nervous...I haven't seen him, or the others in almost... seven months? About... At least.

"Are you excited?" "No." I blurted out quickly. She looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Really?" "Yeah... Well... No, I mean, I just..." I fumbled over my words before I saw Bruce pulling out a trashcan with only a plain white t-shirt and baggy jeans. He glanced up once catching a glance of me before taking a double take seeing me and Gwen standing next to one another. 

his straight face quickly turned into a smile. A smile I missed if I'm being honest. His dimples showed that he hated, but everyone loved, since they made him look even sweeter. I smiled back at him. He quickly left the trash can back before running towards me. Gwen only chuckled taking my bag. I grinned at her before running towards him too. 

We embraced tightly, Bruce laughing in my arms. "I feel like I haven't seen you in years Finn!" Bruce said smiling at me. I laughed. "Yeah, sorry for being MIA... For the past months." I mumbled looking at Bruce. His smile slightly faded but it kept on his face. "Hey, It's okay, we all just disappear in life sometimes... But hey, I wish you just could've said hi once in a while, but whatever your here now..." Bruce smiles.

That was the good thing about Bruce he could make the worst situation turn into one of the best...That's probably why we became friends. "Also I wouldn't mind if you shot me a text about coming over." I raised an eyebrow at him. "It's just... Vance and Billy are over right now. And well, I don't wanna be that person but... Billy isn't exactly in the best condition right now..." "What do you mean?" 

"He's just drinking a lot more, and smoking... And he's just acting pretty different...But I'm sure he'll be sorta happy to see you... But I don't know..." Bruce said. Gwen had finally caught up. "Heyyyy." She said dragging the y a bit. "Oh thank you." I said taking my bag back from Gwen. "Your welcome." Gwen said slumping her shoulders slightly. "Here... Uh better come in, and explain to me why you guys are holding all that stuff." 

"Oh, yeah about that." I mumbled as we started walking towards Bruce's house. "So, we kinda..." "You kinda." Gwen said. "Sorry." She mumbled. "Well, It might be hard to believe but I was kinda in a relationship with Robin..." "Robin? like Robin Arellano!" Bruce said almost choking on his words. "Yeah... And his dad is really homophobic. And well the paparazzi they kinda came, and caught us kissing in the car, and well his dad found out and I'm pretty sure he was gonna kill me and Gwen, so were sorta on the run." Bruce's eyes widened at my fast talking. 

"Wow, I mean, that, that's something..." Bruce opened the door revealing A Billy holding ice on his ribs. And Vance is looking at him seriously. "You're being crazy dude." Vance said before whipping his head around. "Well, proud you hooked up with a billionaire." Bruce finished. "Hey Bruce... and Finney, and Gwen?" Vance said confused. "Hi..." I said awkwardly. Billy looked at me clearly annoyed. "Uh, come to catch up?" Vance smiled. "I guess." "Finney and Gwen are staying over for a bit." "I thought we were staying over." Billy said. 

He was wearing dirty blue jeans and some old beat up band t-shirt. "Yeah, we can all have a big sleepover! Oh and Gwen Amy is upstairs... If you wanna hang with her instead of us." Gwen nodded quickly before practically running upstairs. Billy stood up. "I think I'll just head out." "Nah," Vance said pushing Billy back down onto the couch. "How about we instead catch up with Finney." Vance said pushing Billy. 

Billy grunted in pain before scooting over. I nodded slowly before taking a seat on the floor. Bruce smiled before sitting next to me. "Okay, so were do we start?" Bruce said. "How about this billionaire you hooked up with?" Billy said slightly jealous as he gave me a bitter look. 

I hope you enjoyeddddd!!!!

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