Busy Chapter 20

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( Robin's POV )

It felt like hours as I patiently sat in my room, I was still a bit sweaty from the 1 v 1 with my dad. I wiped my forehead checking the time on my phone for the millionth time. It was only a bit after as I lay down staring up at the ceiling blankly. Finney hadn't come home yet.

It was also pouring outside. I thought of driving to go look for him...But it was probably no use... I was really annoyed that Finney hadn't texted, called, or just any sign of hey, I'm okay. It had only been a couple more minutes before I actually had it. I sat up grabbing my phone looking at his location.

He was still in the neighborhood. And in a familiar house. "What the fuck..." I mumbled quietly as I noticed he was at Kat's house, or Chris's house. I sighed... He wouldn't do that to me...Right? I thought slowly. He just heard what I said... Which was... It was not true...I lied, but being brutally honest, I don't even know at this point...

I didn't even know really entirely what love feels like... Sure at times, my dad feels happy with me but...Well, he's proud, and most of the time that proud feeling fades after a short amount of time... It was like my ability is like drugs to him... The first time I do something good it isn't a lot, but the more and more I do good things it has to be bigger things, and better... Since getting a good grade makes him proud just not satisfied... Getting good grades and being MVP, that makes him satisfied, but now if I have that he just needs more.

It was complicated, but... He just always wanted more... He needs more, or at least he expects more, every single time...

But my mom for example, I don't think she even knows... Like she's been through too much to even understand feelings sometimes. Her first husband was pure and nice, he was loyal, or at least she told me that... She tells me he was a good man, he worked in the navy... But one day... One day he helped the country... He sacrificed himself... It hit her hard... Considering they were gonna have a baby together... She was pregnant at the time... But not with me...

She had a birth carriage... Her current husband my dad, sometimes hits her...But I was used to him doing this at this point. I felt bad of course. But my mom just...She just didn't care. Lots of people I guess suggest we have this perfect family image. Stable relationships, normal conversations... But all we really have is a broken family if anything...Nothing special...

I stared at my ceiling lost in thought my phone still clutched in my hand. As I sat there clueless I felt my phone vibrate. I checked it only to see the familiar icon pop up. It was Kat... And it wasn't  a surprise. I clicked on the message. 


Kat- Hey

Robin typing...


Kat- Look I know you're mad at me, I just wanna talk... That's all

Robin- anything else?

Kat- No?

Robin typing...




Kat- Hello?

Robin- you can come over if you want idc

Kat- Okay see you in a bit


I felt a knot in my stomach as I stood up. everything felt weird after the long endless thought I had not too long ago. But it was... Never mind.

I walked over to my door opening it only to see Kat approaching my room I looked at her confused. "Hey..." I mumbled. "Hi..." She said sucking in both of her lips. She looked nervous... And she didn't appear as the Kat everyone knew. In fact she didn't look like herself. She was barely wearing any makeup, and was wearing the casual sweatpants and sweatshirt, instead of the normal slutty crop tops, or skinny jeans. Not that was a bad thing, she just seemed off...

"Are you...Okay?" "Um..." Kat looked down as tears began to fall out of her eyes. "I'm so sorry!" She pleaded as she covered her face. "Hey, hey it's okay, totally fine..." I said taking a few steps closer to her. "I've just realized how much of a Bitch I've been to you for the past...Years!" She says while wiping her nose. "it wasn't right...It isn't right..." She said looking down.

"Hey, it's fine, if anything, I've been an asshole to the whole situation too." She smiled slightly looking up at me. "Look, I'm not here to beg you to take me back, but...It would be nice if we could just talk? You know...Clear things up... Like I just wanna say sorry, for everything, and I mean it! It's not fake... Like at all... I know it might be hard to... You know believe me or whatever but... I'm actually really sorry..." Kat said looking up at me.

"Yeah, um, we can talk for a bit... In my room, if you want." "That'd be great." She smiled as I led her to my room. As she went into my room she wrapped her arms around herself sighing.

"Okay, what do you wanna talk about?" "Just... Us..." I nodded before going on my bed patting a couple inches away from me. She smiled before heading there to sit next to me. "So..." "Look, I just wanna say sorry, I'll really do anything to make you forgive me." I looked at her seeing the familiar lie look in her eye. "There's something else going on..." She looked at me blankly. Her face slightly went pale. "What is it Kat?" "My parents are getting a divorce..."

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

And sorry this was a bit short!

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