Why Are You Here? Chapter 27

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(Finney's POV)

I sat there awkwardly feeling all eyes on me as I fidgeted nervously with my hands... I knew he would do something like this... Torture me with question that I couldn't exactly fully respond to. "Uh... He's... You don't know him." I said out of panic. Billy raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm sure I do, I mean after all I kinda know all these bitter ass bitches that go to the whore school." Billy said leaning back into the couch. I held my breath. "Okay, don't answer that, uh, how are all your new rich friends?" Billy said. "They're fine." I mumbled. "Sorry what? Did you say something? I can't really hear you... I mean I guess it was expected since you get whatever you want and you don't have to say anything. You know brats and snobs. You should know."

"Billy." Vance said nudging him the ribs. Billy made a small grunt before looking over at Bruce. "Okay, you don't like it when I ask questions, why don't you?" Billy said glaring at Bruce. "Um, how has Gwen been?" "She's been great, uh, she struggled a bit at first, but she's way better now." "Yeah, that's great." Vance smiled.

It was silent for a minute before Billy spoke up again. "So, luxury life? How is it? Very fun clearly, must make you forget about stuff easily huh?" Billy nodded towards me. I tightened my jaw before speaking. "Yeah super fun, especially since there aren't shitty people that take out all their anger out on their best friends. Or you know, have really bad communication. And like entirely doesn't bother to show their emotions at all." I said glaring at Billy. He gripped onto one of his arms clearly getting annoyed. I smiled slightly. 

"Okay, maybe we should... Like you know, uh maybe just watch a movie or something." Bruce said grabbing the remote. "No, I think Finney should continue talking about his great friends." Billy said emphasizing the 'great' "No, no please play a movie or something." Bruce looked in between me and Billy. "No, I think you should talk." Billy said. "Okay, sure. My new friends are cool just not as cool as Bruce and Vance. Uh, yeah they make me feel accepted and they aren't complete jackasses that blame everything on their daddy issues." I said.

"Well yeah that would make sense since they're always using their daddies credit card. Oh excuse me, I also mean plural in dads since they have so many, since their moms love fucking other dudes behind their backs." Billy laughed. "Real funny." I said. Billy only rolled his eyes. "I mean I guess it wouldn't bother you especially since you're probably hooking up with people left and right." I finally stood up. "Shut up." I said. "Guys." Bruce said. "NO! OKAY, look you come back after months! And act like everything is okay! BECAUSE IT'S NOT, Alright! AND YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY TO THINK I'LL JUST BE YOUR BEST FRIEND AGAIN!" Billy raised his voice. He was now standing too looking directly in my eyes.


I looked down. Bruce and Vance were standing now. "I..." Billy looked around frantically. He then quickly walked past us going into a guest bedroom. There was a clatter before we heard a knock on the door. "I better..." Vance nodded before going to the door with Bruce.

I followed Billy's steps to the guest room cautiously but confidently. I inhaled deeply before exhaling. I opened the door revealing a shirtless Billy clutching the dresser. My eyes widened when I noticed all the bruises and cuts that covered Billy's body. He looked up at me quickly shoving the door shut. "Billy I-" "Get the fuck away!" Billy shouted. I couldn't help but nod before turning away. I felt an empty pit in my stomach before I walked into the living room to see Vance and Bruce looking clearly confused as they led both Robin and some curly haired boy, with big blue eyes. 

"Robin?" "Finn! Dude I was worried sick!" Robin said going towards me and hugging me. "Oh and that's Griffin." "Hi, nice to finally meet you..." Griffin said unapologetically sarcastic. "Anyways, when are we going, I scheduled a manicure at, well actually right now." Griffin said. "Why are you scheduling shit so late?" "It's literally only early evening thank you." Robin rolled his eyes before turning to me. "Why'd you leave?" "I uh...I panicked." The doorbell rang this time. "Oh, I'll get it." Griffin said quickly rushing to the door. 

Everyone looked around confused before Griffin came back with some green smoothie. "Oh, sorry, I was door dashing my green leaf lily water smoothie...I had to change the address like five times since someone called me for an emergency... But I mean... Was it really...No offence Finney, love you, but Robin, ehhh, not so much." I couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Anyways toodles." "I thought you were giving me a ride?" "You can uber back." "Griffin." "Fineeee." Griffin complained. "Can I sit here?" Griffin pointed to the off white couch. "Yeah" Bruce answered. 

Billy then walked out of his room. "Who the fuck are these people?" "Griffin Stagg thank you." Billy gave Griffin a sarcastic smile before turning to Robin. "Robin Arellano." "Figured." Billy pushed aside Robin. Robin then grabbed Billy's arm. "You can say excuse me next time asshole." Billy shoved off Robin before walking out of the house. 

"He's probably going to the bar." Vance mumbled. Robin turned confused towards Vance. "The bar?" "He- well he sorta just has some, drinking problem I guess... not to spread it. Please don't tell him I said that." Vance quickly said. "it's cool, not likely that I'll be talking to him any time soon again." "Wait that was Billy Showalter?" Griffin asked. "Yeah, why?" Bruce answered. "Wow." Griffin snorted. "You guys thought I liked that hag?" "Isn't that feminine?" I asked.

"I think? I don't know... But he sure is some failed lab experiment if I'm being honest. And the half-ass attitude, I would beat him with my fucking shoe... But these are designers... So maybe not."

I hope you enjoyed it!!! We needed some more Griffin sas so there we go.

AND tell me why, I just watched the sandlot, since I was bored asf, and why is Benny kinda... Fineeee.... like heh nvm, but I lowkey ship Benny and Scotty... Like HELP, I HAVE PROBLEM! LIKE I SHIP EVERY SINGLE FICTIONAL PERSON WITH SOMEONE THAT THEY'RE LIKELY TO NEVER END UP WITH.

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