Run downnn!!!! A/N

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Sorry this isn't a chapter, but I just wanted to say, I won't be posting for a week since Thanksgiving! We're going to New Jersey to visit my brother and I guess the rest of my family that lives around New York? So a lot of traveling lol.

And I'm just going to tell you the run down of the good ending for Detention, It's coming along. But my plan is to make it longggggggggggggggggggggggg, and I'm hoping I can get it out by December 25th, so I'll just postpone the publish date because I'm busy on that date. Because I'm celebrating Christmas. And that's it lovelys!  

But while I'm at it I'm just gonna tell you guys some tea from my school about this Girl not the crusty long lost bald shrek baby girl that got team captain another girl.

So She's dating this guy right, and then they're happy or whatever everything is fine. Until her friend lets it slip to some gossip queens and kings that she's only dating this guy to get closer to his bestfriend!!!!! PLOT TWIST!!!!! So I most of the time always find out about drama because my one of my friends is friends with one of those gossip queens and she reports to me and I report to my bestie and my bestie reports to the soccer team there on, and then it just gets out.... eheh. But then what happened was I was kinda friends with this girl, and she sometimes ignored me I don't really care though  until she sat next to to me during lunch acting all happy like I didn't know she was a snake or anything. And she was being all nice with me until some other girl came up to her and was like ehm...

"Why are you talking to him?" "Cause I can bitch." "excuse me?" "Yeah you heard me you raccoon looking bitch." I know right girl said raccoon female dog. "Uh okay you rude snakey bitch, you literally only sit next to him cause you think he doesn't know, but he does, and so do all his friends so stop talking to everyone because your some stupid dumb bitch that doesn't understand that everyone knows! About you and your side piece!"

And just a small reminder the girl who was sitting next to me does dance and plays the violin I think? And the other girl does soccer and basketball... Um who ya'll think is gonna win?

So the girl who played soccer and basketball  won!!!! And they both got turned into the office... But I'm kinda like omg, because I lowkey started that fight... 

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