Drive-In Chapter 8

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( Finney's POV )

I soon escaped Robin's room remembering every word he had said. There stood perched at the front door was Chris, he was on his phone not noticing me yet. Kat However had been looking impatient and upset as she took quick glances at Chris's phone.

She rolled her eyes before shoving him pointing to me. He looked up confused until his eyes landed on mine. "Hey...Sorry about that." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, get a room you two, where is Robin?" She asked rudely as she looked over at me expectantly.

"You should know kid." She said forcefully raising an eyebrow at me. "Kat..." Chris mumbled elbowing her in the side. "Ugh Whatever!" She moaned looking around the house.

I went down the stairs standing next to Chris as he smiled at me. "You look good." He smirked opening his arms wide. "Thanks, you too." I said hugging him just as I released him I saw Robin practically scolding at us as he looked over to Kat who for once wasn't all over Robin... She was on her Phone.

"Kat?" Robin said walking towards her. "Robby Boo!" Chris sucked in his lips trying not to laugh as Kat jumped into Robin's arms. I did the same looking away from them trying to hold in my laughter.

"Okay let's just go." Robin says quickly placing her down and giving me a quick wink. I nodded as me and Chris walked out of the house.


"So we're going seperate!"Kat said happily as she patted her white convertible. She gave robin bedroom eyes biting her lip before looking over to us. "You guys are taking his car." She said boredly as she pointed to the jeep.

I nod as Chris looks over to me. "Alright lets go!" He said excitedly. He opened my door quickly before getting in himself. "Are you excited?" "Yeah... Super?""Oh what's up?" Chris questioned giving me a quick glance as he started the car.

"I just don't like scary movies that's all..." I said having a light shiver go down my back as I smiled at Chris. "I don't either to be honest... Kat wanted to go here just to make out with Robin... I don't even think she knows it's a horror movie anyways. Or that Robin will probably watch it since he likes that kind of stuff."

Chris said pulling out of the long drive way. "Yeah... Robin is into gory stuff I guess." "Yeah, he started watching stuff like that when he was 10, but got to like really mature stuff when he was 13... Like chainsaw massacre. Kept bragging about it, saying he wasn't scared once." Chris laughed.

"We all know that is a lie." I laughed and smiled at Chris. "Yeah, But I'm talking about the old ass version... That shit was a bit gory though." "I mean what do you expect... Couple has sex gets killed another couple has sex gets killed, someone gets drunk or high, gets killed. Someone dies for no reason and the main character somehow lives forever." 

"Yeah people in horror movies are so dumb." Chris says glancing at me. "Yeah, but I guess in the end it's the best since they won't watch it if the movie doesn't have sex, dumb teenagers, or drugs and shit."

"True, I wouldn't watch half of horror movies that I do just so I can hate on the dumb teenagers." Chris says. I smile lightly looking over at him. "If you were to be a killer from any movie, which would you be?"

"Um, Maybe scream? I feel that would kinda be fun, prank calling... Except for the murdering... But they have a sick costume." I say. "Yeah but who would be your buddy?" "Vance or Billy, they'll get the job done for sure..." 

"What about Bruce?" "possibly? I feel as though he would be better at calls rather than killing." "Yeah... I can see that." Chris smiles. "What about you?" "Probably Micheal Myers. He's practically invincible." Chris laughs.

"Yeah, he really is." I laugh looking up to Chris.


"Okay were here... Do you want anything? Food, drink?" "No I'm good... Thanks though..." I smile Chris nods changing the radio station to match it to the movie. "Remind me, what are we watching again?" "Uh, some lame ass movie...It's supposed to be gory, but it's kinda shit... Or at least that's what I friends called it."

He says trying to hide a faint smile. "Are you sure you don't want anything?" "Yeah, I'm good thank you." I smile. As I look over at Chris. He nods before turning to his right to see Kat and Robin.

"Are they arguing already?" "Uhuh" I mumble looking over at them too. "Gosh they need to get themselves together." "What?" "There's always this huge Halloween party at the Ambrose's house. They have a couple costume contests they always win by the way... So if they look toxic not a big chance..."

He then looks over to me. "Yeah...So um..."He fully turns his body facing me now. I looked up at him slightly confused as he smiled at me. "How are you?" "I'm good... You?" "I'm pretty good too." Chris leaned in slightly making me back up a bit but not too much.

He laughs awkwardly. Chris looks at me nervously a tint of blush forming on his face. "Finney..." "Sorry, to interrupt... But I actually think I want a drink or something..." "Oh yeah sorry go ahead." He reaches for his pocket quickly before I stop him.

"No it's fine I have money." Chris nods before I quickly get out out of the car.

I begin walking over to the little shack going into one of the private bathrooms.

Was he gonna kiss me? I thought, walking over to the sink. I then heard a knock on the door. Confused before I could go over and open the door someone already did. "Hey." I see Robin smiled his shirt messed up looking at though Kat had tried to take it off.

"Hey... Mind knocking next time." "I did?" He laughed. "But give me a second before answering or anything... You know I could've been an old guy or something." "Trust me Finney I saw you go into this bathroom." I roll my eyes walking back over to the sink.

"Hey no sass for me." Robin laughed. I heard him lock the door before grabbing me by the hips. "Robin what are you doing?" I laughed looking up at him. "What do you mean?" He breathed into my neck as he nuzzled his head there.

"I don't know this affection?" "I love giving people affection especially people like you." He says pulling his head back up. "You're special Finn." He chuckles pulling a lose hair behind me ear as he pulls me closer.

"Sureee" I say laughing. "No I'm serious..." Robin leaned in... But for some reason I didn't stop this? Did I want Robin to kiss me? I thought looking up at him.

Robin's stare turned into a sort of gaze as he pulled me closer... Now inches away from my face. Then he did it... Robin Arellano kissed me... He pulled me even closer not letting an inch of my body escape his touch as he pressed me against the wall.

The kiss had been slightly desperate and warm as Robin's hand ran down my back... He finally breathed out. "Oh god, Finn I'm so sorry..." Robin noticed what he had done. 

"No it's um fine...I just think I need time before I do anything..." "yeah yeah sure..." He says by looking at me. I nod before quickly leaving the bathroom. My mind scrambled.


 I got to the car with popcorn and two sprites. "Here." I say passing Chris the drink. "Thanks..." "But I was wondering if I could ask you something?" "Yeah sure." I say putting the drink and popcorn down and turning to him.

"Finney I know this is like really soon but will you... Will you be my Boyfriend?"

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I hope you enjoyed it though!!! And I just watched A Cindrella story with that fine guy from Gilmore girlssssss!!! But I watched it with my younger sister who was being a brat by the way, because I couldn't hear half of the movie since she was talking so much and so loud! But I still love and I'm about to re  watch by myself.

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