Bases Chapter 10

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( Robin's Pov )

I stare out my window blankly. It had been about... a month? Maybe, I don't know... Since Finney and I...

But everything has been dull since. Finney was now in a 'relationship' with Chris. It wasn't serious or anything, it was actually a joke! Finney wouldn't let Chris really even touch him yet! And I don't even think they're there at second base! Or, to be honest even gone to first.

It was funny to be honest, the fact that Chris was okay with this. He was used to quick rolling relationships, everyone was in Golden Valley. Because everyone was rich, and then  richer, or hot turns to hotter or uglier. Didn't matter, because one week you'll date someone and the next you already have a new boy friend, or girlfriend.

It was quick... But that's how we handled relationships. Me and Kat's relationship held a record, for three years, before we had our first 'fight' and then that just became normal. Fighting.

But I didn't care, sure there had been longer relationships but they weren't as popular as mine and Kat's. 

And then, if you never had a girlfriend or boyfriend you would be considered mature, or dumb. Griffin Stagg was mainly considered mature. He was never in a relationship ever. But there was rumors he liked someone, but he was apparently out of there league. 

"Robin?" I looked up at my door to see Finney standing there blankly. "Oh, hey what's up?" I say getting up quickly. This wasn't exactly normal. "Um..." I looked at him strangely. "What?" I ask. "It's just... I uh..." He stares at me. "What happened?" I ask again looking at him. 

"Chris... He's ready" My eyes widened. I felt as though a knot was in my throat as I stared at Finney blankly. "Oh..." I somehow get out as I practically choked on my words. "Already?" I say in a scratching voice. He nods slowly looking at me.

"Are you good?" He asks walking up to me. "I'm fine!" I say stepping back. "Finney, why are you telling me this?" I say. "I just thought you wanted to-" "Actually never mind..." I say looking at Finney. "And I don't know what to tell you since I've only dated women... I never did it with a guy." I say looking down.

Finney nods before turning away. "I'll see you later..." He mumbles before closing the door. I nod before locking my door. 

"Shit, shit, shit!" I begin to mumble endlessly as I cover my face with my hands. "This isn't good!" I thought annoyed. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. I thought, as I paced around my room. 

"Fuck..." I mumble before I sit on my bed. I know I shouldn't be worrying about this, but I couldn't help it! I didn't want Finney to lose his virginity to some asshole. Not that Chris was- You know what never mind. I wouldn't let this happen I thought annoyed. They aren't having sex.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in..." I say as the door opens. It was Kat. "Hey..." "Hey?" I say confused standing up. "What are you doing?" "Just thinking..." I mumbled walking towards her. He smiled giddly before kissing me deeply. I closed the door.

She then pushed me onto the bed giggling. She leans forward to whisper into my ear. "Robin? Will you fuck me?" I look up to her as she plays with the hem of my shirt. I was debating on whether to do it, or not to. I slowly nodded as she quickly took off my shirt kissing my passionately.

I kissed her back before pulling her onto my lap. "I love you Robin." "I love you too." I say kissing her deeply.


( Finney's Pov )

"Okay Billy fuck you!" I laugh. "No I'm being serious if Kat came over there 100% fucking right now!" "Go to their door and listen for bouncing." "EW! Billy fuck no!" I say. "And who the fuck says bouncing?!?" I laughed. "me!" Billy says confidently.

"Well it's not like you're not going to be doing that with someone soon. EhmChristopherBrownEhm" I roll my eyes knowing Billy knew I did. "Yeah, I don't know..." I say. "I'm still a virgin... And to be honest I'm a bit scared." "Everyone is..." Billy says. "Who did you fuck?" "Sabrina Charles." "Her!" I say. "Hey! I did that in Middle school." "MIDDLE SCHOOL!" "Yeah, I was ready." Billy laughs.

"gosh..." I mumbled rubbing my forehead. "My body count is like-" "Do not finish that sentence..." I say sternly. "I'm going to tell you anyways, but like about 11?" "11!!!" "Yeah!" "Billy, how the fuck?" "What can I say boys and girls love me!" Billy says in a baby voice. "Sure they do." I say sarcastically.

"They do! I heard Griffin Stagg liked me!" Billy said proudly. "Yeah, whatever..." I say plopping down on my bed. "Look I just needed to know, should I let Chris fuck me?" "Oh, he's fucking you, instead of you fucking him?" "God, yes Billy."

"Ohhhh, Then yeah sure... Well actually maybe don't..." "Why?" "Look I don't want to be that person but people in Golden Valley move fast and before you know it he already has a new girlfriend or boyfriend after he takes your virginity. I don't want to say that he'll exactly do that, but I know that they move fast in relationships, by the first date they might already be heading to third base or even home sometimes."

My eyes widen. "Yeah, it isn't exactly the best thing but... Whatever... But that's what I'm talking about, when you kissed Chris, you said he wanted to take it further but you didn't. So he might be a little weirded out by you not wanting to go to second yet."

I nod slowly knowing Billy didn't see, or know. "Look all I'm trying to say is if you want to keep Chris under your wing I suggest that you don't go all way yet... But at least first or second base. Because he might get impatient..."

"Are you serious?" "Yes!" "Do they move that fast?" "Yeah... We kinda do too, but ya know Were all different. Butttttt keep telling me about how Robin has been acting weird lately... and that kiss that happened like months ago!" "Ugh." I sigh.

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I just haven't been feeling good, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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