Caught Chapter 22

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(Robin's POV)

I kept glancing at Finney as he stared at the fireplace... He looked empty as he stared there straight... I didn't even catch him blinking... It was low key scaring me as I kept glancing over to see him in the same position, not doing anything....

"But that's what I'm saying the school rules are shitty, especially the fucking lower class ones. I mean when I parked my car there once they wanted to push a fine since I wasn't apart of that school... But dude how did they not know me I'm Simon Brown." "Compared to me you're kinda... Nothing?" Kat says looking at him smiling slightly. I raised an eyebrow. "No offence of course... I still love you but, sometimes people I think forget that you exist." Simon raises his eyebrows at her.

"If, I'm being honest, you're not the heart throb anymore bro, you're more of a mysterious hot guy... Robin and Chris kinda took that roll." Kat continued saying as she looked at her brother who raised his eyebrows at her. "Seriously?" "Yeah, you left for college." I chimed in. Simon turned to me almost confused. "Uh, excuse me, that doesn't mean I'm not good looking." Simon laughs. "He never said that." Kat said crossing her arms.

 "He didn't need to dingus, I understood the message." Simon says to Kat. Kat only responds by rolling her eyes and crossing her arms as she keeps taking glances at both me and Simon. I soon tap Finney on the shoulder breaking him out of the trans he has been in for the past 10 minutes. "Hey... You wanna head out?" I ask in barely a whisper. Finney only nods. I soon stand up... Finney doing the same.

"You guys are leaving?" "Uh, yeah..." I say as Simon smiles at both me and Finney. "Alright drive safe then or whatever." Simon says as he walks away into the kitchen. "Robin, I'll call you later." I nod slowly leading Finney outside. His hand in mine now. He faintly smiles as he continues looking down. I smile back slowly before opening the car door for Finney.

"Okay... um..." I mumbled as I got into the car. "Are you getting back together with Kat?" Finney said quickly still staring forward. "What?" "It's just that you seemed awfully nice and kind to her... I don't want to be that person but you know... You seemed happy with her." Finney said finally looking over at me. I hadn't even started the car as I looked into Finney's brown eyes laced with some sort of acceptance. "Oh, no Finney... I can't do that to you." 

"You promise?" "Yeah, of course." "Okay..." Finney turns quickly looking forward wrapping his arms around his body. This makes me take attention as I start the car noticing he wasn't in the navy blue sweat shirt, but a black hoodie on instead. I slowly looked forward trying to not over think it...

It's just a hoodie, not like they did it, he was just wet... Right? I thought slowly as I began driving through the drenched neighborhood. The drive was short and slightly dreadful as the drive was dead silent. Finney did though finally have the guts to turn the radio on after realizing I wasn't going to make the first move. I soon pulled into the parking space especially for me. 

Finney reached for the door handle trying the exit before I grabbed his wrist. He slightly gasped at my sudden grasp. He only turned confused as fuck at my sudden actions. I looked at him doubtfully before lacing my fingers through his. "Finney... I'm really sorry if I made this relationship feel like shit to you..." I said quickly looking up at him. 

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Oh, no Robin, you haven't said nor done things that concern me enough to say that..." Finney said placing his free hand on my knee. "I'm just really sorry, I feel like I haven't been anything but a crappy boyfriend to you and I just... I'm- I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." I say quietly near the end as Finney looks at  me understandingly. "It's fine, Robin trust me it's okay." Finney mumbles quietly as he leans forward. He cranes his neck perfectly fitting it into the part between my jaw and shoulder. I smiled. 

I looked down at him smiling warmly. I took my hand lifting up his chin so he was now looking directly at me. He smirked. "Yes?" He asks. We were inches apart as I felt his breath against my lips. "I just wanna kiss you right now." I say brushing my lips against his. Finney blushes slightly but soon sits up more straight. "Then do it." He smiles. I smile back before leaning in kissing Finney softly.

The kiss was long, and warm as Finney cupped my cheek. It felt like a happy ever after as we kissed in my car.... It felt lovely... Like a fairy tale, that became true I guess? But I wrong as I saw a bright white flash. 

Me Finney quickly parted looking around to see paparazzi crowding around the small white car we were in. My smile soon faded as I realized... We got caught.

Sorry this was a bit short! But I hope you Enjoyed it!!!! AND I HOPE YA'LL HAVE A GOOD NEW YEAR, SO HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! I hope you guys had a great year and are happy to move onto the next one aka 2024! Butttt anyways, this for me is soooo flipping early to come out because, I got youtube music premium right, so yesterday I was listening to that, because I had to update spotify or whatever. And I was listening to Niki, don't ask btw, but yk. and it randomly blasted out at like 5 am... Just randomly, and I got really scared... Like it just un paused...Anddddd, I got a little frustrated because I didn't know how to get the music to fully stop playing.... So I had a great morning!!! Because for the past five days I've been waking up at like 10, because MY DAD IS FINALLY GIVING ME A BREAK FROM WAKING ME UP AT THE CRACK OF DAWN FOR TRACK! Anyways girlies enjoy the final day of 2023 and spend it wisely, and if you wanna watch some Percy Jackson and the Olympians and OBSESS over Percy Jackson, Then I'll come too. I think he's fineeeee, but that's just me if you don't like him then.... Keep that opinion... Anyways JUST HAVE A GREAT DAY BEST FRIENDZZZZZ!!!!! I also mean the new Percy Jackson, not the old one...hehe

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