First Everything Chapter 24

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Soooo, this is going to a chapter about them when they were in sophomore year, so still in high school except in a flashback, and all the characters. ( Finney, Billy, Vance, Bruce) are all about 16.

(Finney's POV)

I stood awkwardly looking around the lunch room in hopes to see Billy, or Vance... Or just anyone I knew at this point. I stood there, a lunch tray in my hands still looking around. I was attending the crappy school since my dad would rather spend money on alcohol than me and Gwen's education. Plus, he'd rather spend time yelling at me about not playing baseball anymore. 

But I didn't care. I felt a small nudge on my shoulder. I quickly turned to see Billy next to me smiling giddy. "What?" I chuckled. "Come with me!" He said dragging me by my hand. "What? But it's lunch time." I smile. "Yeah, but they literally serve prison food." Billy said grabbing my fork and playing around with the brown, unknown, gooey substance. "Yeah I guess." I say. I dropped the tray into the trash before following Billy. 

"Where are we going anyway?" "We're gonna skip the rest of the day." Billy smirks as he leads me to the back exit. "Oh, Billy, I can't." I say shaking my head. "It's fine, half the time they don't even take attendance. And if they do and ask someone they just shrug their shoulders." Billy says as we continue to walk outside.

"What are we gonna do anyways?" I asked. Billy only gave me a smirk before taking his backpack off his shoulders. He unzipped the bag, I peered in only to see two packs of cigarettes, a bottle of what looked like vodka, and a box. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you serious?" I said slightly annoyed. "What?" "Billy, I don't drink." "Just this once please... I'm like literally your best friend you have to get drunk with me like once." Billy complains shoving me. "Okay fine." I smile looking at him. Billy only smiles back leading me just behind a couple of trees. 

He now unzips the bag fully handing me a cigarette. "Here." "I haven't smoked since last year." "And?" "Whatever." I say grabbing the lighter from his hands. He soon does the same lighting the cigarette. He takes a long drag leaning his head back on the tree. "Ya know they call cigarettes Fags in the UK." I slightly choked on the smoke escaping my mouth. "No shit?" I laughed looking over at Billy. "Yeah, fucking weird." "How do you know?" "Uh, Mr. Martin, you know the history teacher was talking about it and then... He just said Fag and I snapped back into reality." Billy laughed. "Wow, I'm surprised you paid attention for once." I said.

"Am I that retarded?" Billy laughs taking a sip of the vodka, the almost burnt out cigarette in his hand. "Sometimes you can be very retarded. But other times, you can be serious." I smile taking the bottle from his hands and then taking a swig for myself.


After a couple of minutes me and Billy had been officially drunk as we laughed out loud. Billy's hand rested on my thigh as he was talking about something I barely understood. We were now on the ground facing each other. The vodka bottle was almost empty as were the two packs of cigarettes. "But that-t what I'm saying!" Billy said slurred as he smirked at me. I smirked back laughing once again rolling closer to him. Billy chuckled too looking at me deeply. 

I looked at Billy, soon though I stopped laughing. Billy did the same looking at me. It was almost like the silence was awkward, but at the same time comfortable... But I never thought anything of it as Billy looked at me deeply. 

I laughed again. "What?" Billy just looked at me slightly blushing. "Nothing?" "What were you thinking about?" "You." Billy said flirty. I whipped my head around focusing on him. "huh?" I was deeply confused looking at him. Billy launched himself forward on top of me. I only laughed in the struggles to ask what he was doing. "Wanna hook up?" "WHAT?" I almost yelled still not being able to hold in my laughter. "Hm, I'm so fucking drunk right now." Billy slurred falling back down to where he was before.

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