Friends? Chapter 13

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( Robin's POV )

I couldn't sleep that night... Like at all, part of it was because of Finney the other because of Kat, she was on my mind... I wanted to break up with her but that would kinda ruin my reputation, and before you know it... People will start to spread rumors. And I didn't want that. But in the end maybe it was good to do...

I practically watched the sun rise as I drifted off to sleep, and before I knew it I heard my alarm ring loudly. I rubbed my bagged eyes as I slowly lifted myself up. I stared directly forward at my door until it opened. 

I looked confused at first before I saw Finney standing there already in his uniform ready for school. "Hey..." Finney says walking up the edge of my bed. "Hey." I said in a scratchy voice as I quickly covered my mouth. Finney chuckled as he sat down at the end of the bed. 

"Didn't sleep that well I'm guessing..." Finney said looking at me. "Oh, yeah, not much... I kept thinking about things..." I said silently before looking down. "I also just don't feel that good..." I mumble. "Yeah, I wouldn't either if I got only one hour of sleep..." Finney says.

"Can you come here?" I say as I scoot over to him. He nods silently slipping into my grip. I pull him into a spoon as I rub my thumb against his wrist. He exhales slowly as he lets me hold onto him. "I'm sorry Finney..." I mumble into his neck.

"It's fine, you don't have to keep apologizing..." Finney says soothingly. "You know the only reason I didn't get much sleep was because I was thinking about Kat... And you..." I say quietly at the end. 

Finney then quickly sits up rubbing the back of his neck. I sit up quickly too after he looks at me confused. "Robin... Look, I don't want to regret saying this but maybe, it would be better if we were just friends..." Finney says nervously "Friends?" "Yeah, friends...Keep everything low key..."

I nod slowly as I look at Finney. "It's just, you and Kat, I don't want to get between that... And plus with Christopher and everything... It would be a lot...." Finney says looking at me. "Yeah... Yeah, I totally understand... I'm fine with being friends with you... Just friends..." "Nothing too special..." I say at the end.

"Yeah... I just don't know, a lot is on my mind right now... So maybe it would be best if we don't do anything like this... In some time..." Finney mumbles looking at me. I nod silently looking at him slightly upset. "I'm gonna stay home from school today, but I'll see you later..." I say. Finney nods before leaving my room.

I got up, locking my door before going into my bathroom. I inhaled sharply as I looked at myself in the mirror. Was it bad that I was close to tears over a boy I had only known for about three months?  And was it bad that I was developing a crush on this boy too?

I breathed in shakily as I rubbed my fore head. He just wanted to be friends... God I was stupid to believe he liked me back.... I was stupid to even like him! I thought arguingly to myself as I turned on the shower.

I felt sick just thinking about that fact the boy I had been starting to have a crush on had barely even thought about me. It was sad to think a desperate person like me fell for someone who wasn't even desperate enough to care about me...

I mean I had no exact chance to ever, and I mean EVER get with Finney... I mean for gods sake my friends just raped him, so no shit he'll even still want to know me. I felt stressed as I leaned against my locked bathroom door. "Shit, shit, shit..." I mumbled cursing myself out.

Steam filled the room greedily before I heard a loud knock. "ROBIN! What did I tell you about taking hot showers?" My dad yelled out of rage. "Sorry!" I yelled quickly crawling to change the tempature of the water to cold. "Why were you taking one in the first place? Trying to hide it from me?" My dad said annoyed. "No I just feel... Sick!" I said. "Can I stay home?" "Yeah, fine..." My dad said. I then heard loud footsteps get quieter within every second.

"Ugh..." I sighed as I leaned my head against the door again. Why did he know exactly when I'm about to do something he doesn't want me to do, it was creepy to be honest... Like he knew my exact next move when doing something. And if for some reason he didn't he would somehow manipulate me into doing what he thought I was going to do...If that makes sense.

I rubbed my eyes gently before removing my shirt. Guess I should start showering... I thought as I stripped the rest of my clothes off. Right then in that moment as I stepped into the shower I felt vulnerable as the cold water laced my skin with passion. I hugged myself trying to clear my mind from everything, but it didn't work.

My mind kept going back to Finney, it kept going back to that moment of him declaring we would be friends. And friends only. I just needed to take the hint that Finney was not interested... But I couldn't...I sighed deeply.

I then thought about my response to it all... I just said Friends? That sounded like I expected more, I thought annoyed... I don't want Finney thinking I'm some obsessed loser... That would be weird... "UGH!" I groaned. I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID FRIENDS? I thought annoyed.

I hope you enjoyed!

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