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In which you realise that the storm is here


(Y/N) stood amidst the remnants of the night's battle, her armor battered and stained with the residue of zombies and gunpowder from creepers she couldn't kill before they exploded . The dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, signaling the end of the relentless onslaught. Exhaustion hung heavy in the air as she caught her breath, surveying the now-silent landscape, bodies of spiders, creepers, zombies and skeletons laid discarded. At least she could make use of the spiders and creepers.

Just as she considered heading indoors for some much-needed rest, Tommy Innit emerged from the forest, eyes widening as he took in the aftermath of the skirmish.

"(Y/N)! You fought off all those mobs by yourself? That's absolutely insane!" He cheered as he ran over to her.

(Y/N) offered a weary smile, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow."It was a busy night, but nothing I couldn't handle. What brings you here, Tommy?" She knew exactly why he was here.

Tommy, his enthusiasm undeterred, grinned. "Well, you see, we've got this speech thing. Wilbur and I were thinking it'd be great if you could join us. You know, show your support for L'Manburg and all that."

(Y/N) chuckled, a hint of disbelief in her tired eyes. She could not believe he was asking her this "After a night like this, you want me to attend a speech?"

Tommy nodded, still buzzing with energy.

(Y/N) sighed, a mixture of exhaustion and amusement in her voice. She looked to her house and the gaping hole, if she was going to patch it up by night falls she'd have to get help, "fine, but after the speech, you, Tubbo, Wilbur and anyone else is coming to help fix my house," she grumbled.

Tommy's eyes widened in mock horror, but he couldn't hide his excitement. "What happened to your house by the way?" He asked, Tommy was known for being a loud mouth so (Y/N) said nothing. "I'll head over to L'Manburg soon but why do you want me there?"

"See, Wilbur's all stressed about this speech. He thinks people need reassurance or something, and you, being a you, would be perfect to calm everyone down. You know, a symbol of independence and stuff," he beamed.

(Y/N) arched an eyebrow, her tired expression replaced with a smirk."A symbol of strength covered in zombie guts, huh? Real inspiring," she rolled her eyes.

Tommy laughed, a carefree sound that echoed through the quiet morning. "Exactly! It's, like, authenticity or whatever. Plus, Wilbur will be so happy you showed up. He worries a lot, you know," he said.

(Y/N) nodded, understanding the sentiment behind Tommy's words. The weight of responsibility bore down on Wilbur, and if her presence could offer some comfort, she was willing to endure a speech or two. "Just give a few seconds to change, I'll meet you in L'Manburg."


The town square came into view, the citizens of L'Manburg already gathering for the anticipated address. Wilbur stood on the makeshift stage, a mix of determination and anxiety etched on his face.

Wilbur spotted (Y/N) and hurried down the stage. "Tommy told me, what happened to your house?" He asked.

"Creeper," (Y/N) answered, "but I suspect foul play, because that letter your found was nothing short of a warning," (Y/N) whispered, with the crowd around them she had no idea who was listening.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now