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The Proper Title
In which Techno makes the only logical decision


Tommy emerged from the basement, blinking against the change in light. The aroma of lunch filled the cabin as (Y/n) and Technoblade were setting the table. (Y/n) was bundled in a shawl, a lingering sign of her recent bout with a cold.

"Hey, look who decided to join the land of the living," Techno remarked with a teasing grin.

Tommy shot back a playful glare. "I was down there for, like, forever. You two didn't forget about me, did you?"

(Y/n) chuckled, "Of course not, Tommy. We saved you some lunch. Sit down, and I'll get you a bowl."

Tommy took a spoonful of the hearty stew and let out a satisfied hum. "Thanks for not kicking me out, by the way. I know I can be... well, a bit much sometimes."

(Y/n) smiled, "You're welcome here, Tommy. Just try not to make too much noise when you come up. I'm still dealing with this cold, and we don't want to murder you for waking me up."

Technoblade nodded in agreement, "Yeah, she will murder you."

Tommy's expression grew somber as he nodded, understanding the underlying tension. "Yeah. But you guys... you're like the calm in the storm."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow, "Are we? Because I feel like we're the storm."

Tommy grinned, "It's like a fortress of stability in the chaos here."

Tommy took a deep breath before recounting the harrowing experiences of his exile, describing the mental torture inflicted by Dream. The cabin fell into a heavy silence as (Y/n) and Technoblade listened, absorbing the gravity of Tommy's words. It was a tale of manipulation and suffering that lingered in the air, a reminder of the shadows that lurked in their world.

"That's... that's messed up, Tommy," (Y/n) finally spoke, her voice a mixture of sympathy and anger.

Technoblade's gaze hardened, a flicker of concern in his eyes. "No one deserves to go through that. We won't let anyone hurt you here."

Tommy nodded appreciatively, grateful for the reassurance. The shared understanding in the cabin deepened, forging a connection rooted not just in camaraderie but in the collective resolve to overcome the shadows that haunted their pasts.

Feeling the weight of Tommy's struggles, Technoblade and (Y/n) exchanged a knowing glance before simultaneously pulling him into a comforting embrace. It was a silent acknowledgment of shared pain and the strength found in unity. The cabin became a haven, a place where wounds, both physical and emotional, could begin to heal.

"Welcome home, Tommy," Technoblade murmured, the words carrying a sense of solidarity.

(Y/n) added her voice to the sentiment, "You're part of this now. No more facing the dark alone."

In that moment, as the warmth of the hug enveloped them, the trio found solace in each other's company, a makeshift family forged in the crucible of trials. The journey ahead remained uncertain, but together, they faced the future with newfound strength and resilience.

The trio tensed, the crunching of snow and approaching footsteps stirring a shared sense of caution. Technoblade instinctively shifted to a protective stance, positioning himself between (Y/n) and Tommy, ready for whatever might emerge from the wintry shadows.

As the door creaked open, revealing the cold night beyond, a familiar figure stepped into the warm glow of the cabin. Philza, clad in his feathered cloak, bore an expression of concern and curiosity.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now