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In which you brace for the dawn


Election day dawned in L'Manburg with a sense of anticipation and tension hanging in the air. The sun cast its golden rays over the nation, illuminating the banners of both Swag2020 and Pog2020 that fluttered in the breeze. The streets were adorned with colorful ribbons and posters, each declaring allegiance to one of the two parties vying for power.

As citizens woke to the dawn of decision, the town square transformed into a bustling hub of activity. Residents adorned in party colors milled about, discussing their final thoughts on the candidates, while campaign volunteers handed out pamphlets and shared last-minute appeals.

The voting booths, adorned with rustic charm, stood in orderly rows. Each booth held the promise of shaping the destiny of L'Manburg for the coming era. Citizens queued patiently, the weight of their choices etched on their faces.

Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo of Pog2020 worked tirelessly to rally their supporters. They traversed the square, shaking hands, sharing words of encouragement, and ensuring that every last voter felt the significance of their role in the election.

On the other side, Quackity and Schlatt of Swag2020 exuded confidence. They orchestrated a synchronized display of swag, organizing impromptu dance-offs and distributing party-themed merchandise to energize their base.

In the heart of the square, a makeshift stage had been erected for the final speeches. As the sun climbed higher, Wilbur stepped up to the podium, his voice carrying the weight of hope and determination."L'Manburg, today is the day we choose our path. Pog2020 is about unity, about embracing the Pog energy that resides in each of us. Let's build a future where everyone has a voice and every voice matters."

Cheers erupted from the Pog2020 supporters, their enthusiasm contagious. As Wilbur stepped down, Schlatt took the stage with Quackity by his side.

"L'Manburg, we stand on the brink of a new era. Swag2020 is about bringing style, charisma, and coolness to our nation. Today, let's vote for a leader who understands the power of swag." Schlatt grinned, he smirked at his opposition, he looked too confident for someone who politically shot himself in the foot when he messed with (Y/N)

The crowd erupted in cheers, Swag2020 supporters showcasing their dance moves and party spirit. The square vibrated with the clash of political fervor.

As the sun reached its zenith, the voting concluded. The square transformed into a hub of eager conversations and speculation. Citizens anxiously awaited the tallying of votes, knowing that the outcome would shape the destiny of L'Manburg.

The air crackled with anticipation as the election officials gathered the ballots. The fate of L'Manburg hung in the balance, and the town square stood as a testament to the democratic spirit that defined this pivotal moment in the nation's history.


The announcer stood on a makeshift stage in the heart of L'Manburg, his figure silhouetted against the fading light of the day. Dressed in a finely tailored cloak that bore the emblem of impartiality, he carried an air of authority. His greying hair and stern countenance reflected the weight of the announcement he was about to make.

With bated breath, the citizens of L'Manburg gathered in the town square, eyes fixed on the tall figure at the podium. The tension was palpable, the outcome of the election hanging in the balance. The announcer cleared his throat, his voice echoing through the square.

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