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The War
In which the rebellion ends


The underground hideout was nearly complete, hidden away from prying eyes. (Y/n) meticulously organized the chests, ensuring potions of all varieties were neatly arranged. Meanwhile, Technoblade ran his gloved fingers over the Netherite armor sets, checking for any imperfections.

"(Y/n), did you double-check the strength potions?" Techno called out, his focus still on the armor.

(Y/n) responded with a confident nod, her hands expertly moving through the potions. "Yep, all stacked and ready for action. We've got more than enough to make even the Withers tremble."

Technoblade chuckled, appreciating the enthusiasm. "Good. But shhh ur secret weapon against whatever this server throws at us."

"You mean if they decide they don't want to blow up the country," (Y/n) pointed out.

Techno froze for a second, "you see right through me."

"We spent days getting Wither skeleton skulls, no way that kind of fire power is needed for just Schlatt," (y/n) chuckled

As he continued his inspection, he felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around his back. Startled for a moment, Techno glanced over his shoulder to find (Y/n) yawning, her eyes still adjusting to the dim lighting of their hidden chamber.

"Long day of preparation," she mumbled, leaning her head against his back.

Techno tilted his head, a soft smile forming beneath his mask. "We've got the best setup now. No one's going to catch us off guard."

(Y/n) hummed in agreement, her arms tightening around him. "And with you by my side, I know we can handle anything."

They stood in silence for a moment, the quiet satisfaction of their preparations settling between them. The chests were stocked, the armor gleamed in the dim light, and the two allies were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead in the unpredictable world.

As they stood in the dimly lit hideout, Technoblade felt a sense of camaraderie with (Y/n). Her presence was a comforting anchor in the tumultuous world they navigated together.

"(Y/n)," he began, turning to face her, "when all of this rebellion is over, when the chaos settles, would you consider coming with me? We could explore the world, away from the conflicts and constant battles."

She met his gaze, a mixture of surprise and warmth in her eyes. "Come with you? Like, traveling together?"

Technoblade nodded. "Yeah, just you and me, venturing into the unknown. No more wars, no more hiding. Just freedom."

Her lips curved into a thoughtful smile. "Sounds tempting, Techno. A life away from all this madness. I think I'd like that."

With a shared understanding of a future beyond the rebellion, they continued their preparations. Technoblade meticulously examined the enchanted gear, while (Y/n) surveyed the potion selection once more. Their movements were synchronized, a dance of efficiency born from a partnership forged in the crucible of challenges faced together.

As Techno adjusted a helmet on the armor stand, he couldn't help but tease, "You know, skippy, we need to make sure you don't slow us down in a tight spot. That limp might be a liability."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh please, I can keep up just fine. You might have to catch your breath before I do."

He chuckled, appreciating the banter that had become a staple of their interactions. "We're a formidable team, aren't we? No one stands a chance."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now