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Potion Making

In which the nuisance demands to learn your craft or else he won't stop being annoying


The cabin was filled with an air of anticipation, and the familiar scent of brewing potions wafted through the room. (Y/n) sat on a wooden chair, her eyes fixed on the bubbling cauldron. Today marked the day of change, the day her leg would finally be healed.

As the potion brewed to perfection, Techno watched with a mix of curiosity and joy. The healing potion, a concoction of magical essence and rare herbs, held the promise of a new beginning.

The moment arrived when (Y/n) carefully lifted the potion from the cauldron. Its glow radiated a soothing energy, and she couldn't help but smile. With a deep breath, she drank the potion, feeling its warmth course through her veins.

A few moments passed, and then, as if a gentle breeze had swept through the room, (Y/n) stood up. It was a moment frozen in time, a moment she had longed for. The realization struck her, and a burst of laughter escaped her lips.

"I'm standing! I'm really standing!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with sheer happiness finally able to balance once again.

In an impulsive burst of joy, (Y/n) threw her arms around Techno, who, caught off guard, laughed heartily. He reciprocated, spinning her around like a dance under the warm glow of the cabin's lanterns.

The cabin's warmth enveloped Techno and (Y/n) as they basked in the joyous moment. The healing potion had worked its magic, and (Y/n) stood on her own two feet, a radiant smile lighting up her face.

Techno couldn't hide the happiness in his eyes as he looked at her newfound strength. "Well, would you look at that," he teased, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Seems like you're finally back in action."

(Y/n) chuckled, a mix of relief and happiness in her voice. "Feels incredible. Thank you for being here through all of it." She gazed at Techno with gratitude, her eyes reflecting the journey they had shared.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, the touch comforting and reassuring. "Always, (Y/n). You know I'm not one to leave things unfinished." His words held a sincerity that resonated with the depth of their connection.

As the elation settled, (Y/n) took a step, testing her healed leg. Techno watched, silently proud of her resilience. "I couldn't have done it without you," she admitted, a softness in her eyes.

Techno chuckled, a rare display of affection. "Well, you did most of the heavy lifting. I just provided some moral support and, you know, a dash of chaos."

They shared a laugh, the familiarity of their banter creating a comforting atmosphere. The cabin, once witness to struggle and determination, now held an air of triumph.

"You're stuck with me, (Y/n)," Techno declared with a grin, his arm wrapping around her. "Leg healed or not, I'm not letting you go."

(Y/n) leaned into his side, the weight of the past lifting off her shoulders. "Good thing I don't plan on going anywhere, Techno."

And in that quiet cabin, surrounded by the echoes of laughter and the glow of healing magic, Techno and (Y/n) found solace in each other's company, knowing that some bonds were unbreakable, even in a world of chaos.

The cozy ambiance of the cabin embraced them, and as (Y/n) and Techno shared a quiet moment, a soft knock echoed on the door. They exchanged curious glances before (Y/n) moved to answer it.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now