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Peace and Quiet
In which everything feels as it should be


"Alright, we need to figure out who's taking the bed and who's crashing on the couch," Techno stated, looking between (Y/n) and the worn-out couch. Which now had all its cushions returned. Philza had left to go back to L'Manburg before anyone knew he was gone. "Whilst you were still healing Phil and I just took turns sleeping."

(Y/n) crossed her arms, a playful smirk on her face. "Well, considering it's my house now," she teased, "I think I should claim the bed."

Techno raised an eyebrow, a smirk mirroring hers. "Oh, is that how it is? I was the one who built this cabin, you know." Techno sighed, surrendering to a mischievous grin. "Fine, fine. You can take the bed this time. I'll be the gracious host on my own couch."

(Y/n) chuckled, appreciating his humor. "Generous of you, Techno. I'll make sure to fluff the pillows for you."

With a playful eye-roll, Techno responded, "Oh, how kind of you."

As they settled into their designated spots for the night, the warmth of camaraderie lingered in the air.

Techno stared at the ceiling as he settled into the couch, sleep found him easily.


Technoblade stood frozen, his eyes locked on (Y/n) as she crumpled to the ground with a blade in her chest. The air felt heavy, and an unsettling silence engulfed the scene. The once vibrant energy that surrounded them had dissipated, leaving only the echoes of a battle now lost.

(Y/n)'s body lay motionless, and Techno's gaze fell to her wrist, where the lines that symbolized her lives were etched. The vivid markings, a testament to her resilience and the countless times she had faced death, were gone. The absence of those lines sent a shiver down Techno's spine, a stark realization of the irreversible loss before him.

A heavy sigh escaped Techno's lips as he knelt beside her, his hands hovering uncertainly over her lifeless form. The weight of failure bore down on him, and for a moment, the chaos of battle seemed to fade away. The only sound that remained was the dull thud of his own heartbeat, a painful reminder of the cost of their pursuit.

Gently, Techno reached out to close (Y/n)'s unseeing eyes, his touch lingering for a moment longer than necessary. The gravity of the situation settled upon him like a suffocating blanket. He had watched her fall, witnessed the extinguishing of a flame that had burned so brightly.

In the quiet aftermath, Techno rose to his feet, a solemn determination replacing the shock on his face. The battle might be lost, but the war waged on. Clenching his jaw, he cast a final glance at (Y/n)'s lifeless form, a silent vow echoing in the emptiness around him.

"I'll make them pay for this," he muttered, his voice a low growl in the desolate aftermath. The lines on (Y/n)'s wrist might be gone, but the fire of vengeance burned brighter than ever within Technoblade.


Techno bolted upright, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as the remnants of the nightmare lingered in his mind. The images of (Y/n) falling, lifeless, haunted him, and the weight of the dream hung heavily on his chest.

For a moment, he sat in the darkness, collecting himself. The room felt colder, and the shadows danced with an eerie energy. He couldn't shake the vivid memory of (Y/n)'s final moments in the dream, the absence of the usual respawn that brought her back from the brink.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now