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In which Tommy can no longer avoid Dream


As Tommy and Technoblade made their way back through the nether portal, a sudden unease gripped Tommy's stomach. A figure in full netherite armor materialized, blocking their path. Panic surged as Tommy stepped behind Technoblade . Technoblade, ever vigilant, aimed his crossbow at their unexpected company.

"Hi, Dream," Tommy greeted in a high-pitched tone, a mix of apprehension and forced nonchalance.

"Hello." Dream responded, his voice carrying an eerie calmness that belied the tension in the air.

Technoblade, maintaining a facade of casual conversation, chimed in, "So... Hm... How's it going?"

"If I remember correctly," Dream began, his gaze fixed on Tommy, "you are not supposed to be here, Tommy."

Tommy, glancing over at Techno, quipped nervously, "He don't got no home?"

Whispering reassurances, Techno urged Tommy not to be scared. "Don't be scared he hasn't got a home."

Dream, seemingly unfazed, interrupted, "I- I'm not-"

Tommy, with a hint of sarcasm, remarked, "Oh, I hate homeless people. Let's just let that-"

Technoblade, lightening the mood, chuckled, "That's a lot to process, Tommy."

"Why're you-? Li-" Tommy began, only to be interrupted by Dream.

"Tommy, I have- I have- I've got one of your discs back," Dream admitted, the admission hanging in the air.

"Oh, I hate homeless people. Let's just let that-" Tommy attempted to steer the conversation, his initial defensiveness now veering into bemusement.

Dream, playing with a golden apple, continued, "I got it from Skeppy."

Tommy's frown deepened. "No, you don't."

Unperturbed, Dream casually stated, "Yeah, I do."

Technoblade, always ready with a quip, nudged Tommy. "Ahh, this- He- He don't got no home, Tommy. He don't got no home."

The tension lingered, a precarious calm before the storm, as Dream held the knowledge of a retrieved disc in his possession.

Tommy chuckled nervously, trying to downplay the tension. "He don't got- He don't got no disc."

Technoblade joined in, his amusement evident. "You really- Are you really gonna be scared of someone who don't got no home?"

Tommy, still uncertain, turned his attention back to Dream. "Wait, do you really-? Wait, seriously. No fucking bullshitting... You actually have my disc?"

Dream, maintaining his composure, confirmed, "I do. I have one of them."

Tommy pivoted to share this revelation with Techno. "Techno, Tubbo has the other."

Technoblade, seeking clarification, asked, "Are there like two discs...? That you don't have?"

Tommy explained, "There are two- There are two discs, Mellohi and Cat. Those are the only ones I want. Once I've got them, basically every conflict on this entire server comes to an end. Because... Because that's kinda where it all started, as you said I'm- I'm 'mister Problem'. God, I'm so self-aware."

Techno teased, "That's true. That's true. I mean, you are not that self-aware but..."

Tommy defended himself, "I am self-aware."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now