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A Rat in The Floorboards
In which you wish you had a bigger broom


In the warmth of the cabin, Technoblade gently carried (Y/n) in his arms, the flickering fire casting a soft glow across the room. He settled her down on the couch, ensuring she was comfortable, before tending to the hearth to stoke the flames.

Once the fire crackled, Techno joined (Y/n) on the couch, his arms encircling her in a comforting hug. The room was filled with a quiet intimacy, the firelight dancing on the cabin walls.

A soft smile graced (Y/n)'s lips as she looked up at Technoblade. "Can I kiss you?" she asked, her eyes reflecting a mixture of affection and longing.

Techno remained silent, a mysterious air surrounding him. As if understanding his unspoken consent, (Y/n) reached up, gently lifting his mask and crown. Their lips met in a tender kiss, the warmth of the fire mirroring the warmth that enveloped them.

In the midst of the sweet connection, Techno paused, a hint of concern in his eyes. "Your leg," he murmured, breaking away from the kiss. Without waiting for her response, he began to patch up the wound, his touch both gentle and caring.

The room seemed to hold its breath as they navigated this delicate moment, the flickering firelight casting shadows that danced across their intertwined figures. In that quiet cabin, amidst the glow of the hearth, their connection deepened, weaving a tale of care, vulnerability, and a love that transcended the challenges they faced.

The faint sound of rattling echoed through the quiet cabin, interrupting the peaceful atmosphere. Technoblade and (Y/n) exchanged a curious glance before rising from their cozy spot by the fire. The warmth that had enveloped them moments ago now gave way to a sense of anticipation.

Following the subtle vibrations beneath their feet, they descended into the basement.

Tommy let out a shriek as Techno and (Y/n) went down the stairs. "I'm getting a broom," (y/n) grumbled.

(Y/n) swiftly fetched a broom, brandishing it as a makeshift weapon while Tommy Innit, eyes wide with alarm, directed his frantic protests toward Technoblade.

"Get out, Techno! What are you doing here?" Tommy yelled, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and frustration.

Technoblade, unimpressed, crossed his arms. "Relax, Tommy. This is our basement. What are you doing here?"

Tommy's eyes darted nervously between (Y/n) and Technoblade. "I...uh... I was just... exploring? You know, casual stuff."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, readying the broom defensively. "Exploring, my foot. What's the real reason?"

Tommy scratched his head, realizing he was caught in his own web of deception. "Okay, okay, fine! I needed a place to crash, alright? I didn't think anyone lived here!"

(Y/n) lowered the broom but kept a skeptical gaze on Tommy. "You better not be causing trouble."

Tommy grinned sheepishly. "Trouble? Me? Never."

Technoblade glared at Tommy Innit, asserting his authority. "This is my house. Get out."

(Y/n) chimed in, correcting him with a smirk. "Actually, it's our house."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now