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In which you travel to L'Manburg

Techno's heavy footsteps echoed through the cabin as he emerged from his workroom, frustration evident on his face. The clang of the discarded helmet hitting the table resonated through the lounge room.

(Y/n), engrossed in her book, looked up as Techno approached. She closed the book and set it aside, ready to lend an ear. He sat beside her and enveloped her in a tight hug. , his frustrations palpable.

"Long day at the anvil?" she teased, running a hand through his hair.

He sighed, "You have no idea. These Netherite upgrades are taking forever. The Butcher Army stealing my gear didn't help either. I just want my trident back, you know?"

(Y/n) nodded in understanding, her fingers gently tracing comforting patterns on his back. "You'll get it back, Techno. And once that Netherite armor is done, they won't stand a chance."

He leaned back, his blue eyes meeting hers. "You're right. Patience is a virtue, I guess."

She smiled, "And I have all the patience in the world for you."

Techno chuckled, the tension in his shoulders easing. With a final squeeze, he released her from the hug. "Thanks, (Y/n). Now, back to the grind. Literally." He shot a determined look at the discarded helmet before heading back to the workroom but he stopped and turned around with a grin wanting to mess with her more.

The sudden weight of Techno as he flopped down on top of her elicited a surprised yelp from (Y/n). She blinked at him, caught off guard by the unexpected move.

"Techno!" she exclaimed, laughing as he lay on top of her, he rested his head on her chest, smothering her as much as possible. His rare moments of spontaneity always added a touch of unpredictability to their otherwise chaotic lives.

He grinned, lifting his head up to rest his chin on her chest. "Just needed a break from the anvil, you know?" he said with a grin.

She chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "Well, this is a much more pleasant place to take a break."

Techno smirked, mischief in his eyes. "Is it now?"

She playfully nudged him. "Always but I like breathing."

"Just let me rest here for one moment," Techno yawned.

(Y/n) gently rubbed his back. "You've got to do what you've got to do. Maybe a more direct approach is needed."

He pulled away, meeting her eyes. "Direct approach?"

A mischievous smile played on (Y/n)'s lips. "Why not pay L'Manburg a visit? A little intimidation might convince them to give your weapons back."

Techno raised an eyebrow, considering the suggestion. "Direct confrontation, huh?"

She nodded, her eyes reflecting determination. "Sometimes, a little reminder of who they're dealing with goes a long way. They can't keep your stuff forever."

A smirk appeared on Techno's face. "You're not wrong. Let's make a trip and set things straight." Techno, caught up in his enthusiasm, animatedly suggested, "What if we use a wither? Imagine the intimidation factor! They won't mess with us after that."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now