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In which your fate becomes uncertain


With the cloaked stranger's ominous absence, (y/n) decided it was time to venture to the village for supplies, and she sought the company of Philza for added security. Philza agreed, realizing the importance of ensuring (y/n)'s safety in the wake of recent unsettling events.

As they walked towards the village, the air hung heavy with a sense of unease. The path seemed longer than usual, each step echoing the growing tension in the surrounding atmosphere. (Y/n) stole glances around, half-expecting to find the mysterious figure lurking in the shadows.

Philza, a seasoned warrior, walked with a watchful eye, his gaze scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. "(y/n), stay close. We don't know who or what we might encounter," he advised, the rustling leaves and distant sounds amplifying the eerie quietness of the forest.

Reaching the village, (y/n) and Philza navigated the familiar paths, the villagers going about their daily routines seemingly unaffected by the tension that gripped the outskirts of L'Manburg. (Y/n) kept a tight grip on her supplies, a subtle paranoia gnawing at the edges of her consciousness.

The piercing sound of a horn cut through the air, jolting both Philza and (y/n) from their uneasy thoughts. The unmistakable signal sent a shiver down their spines — the pillagers were on the verge of raiding the village. Instinctively, they drew their swords, ready to defend the peaceful settlement.

"(y/n), stay close. We're not letting these pillagers harm the villagers," Philza declared with a stern yet composed demeanor. The two warriors hurried towards the village, the distant echoes of approaching pillagers growing louder with each step.

As they reached the outskirts of the village, chaos unfolded. Pillagers, armed and relentless, had descended upon the once-tranquil settlement. The air crackled with tension as (y/n) and Philza stepped forward, their swords gleaming in the sunlight.

The villagers, caught off guard, looked to the duo for protection. "(y/n), we need to work together. Hold the line!" Philza's voice carried a commanding assurance as they faced the incoming threat.

The clash began, a symphony of steel against steel. (Y/n)'s movements were swift and precise, each strike calculated to repel the advancing pillagers. Philza, a seasoned warrior, fought with an unmatched skill, his wings occasionally providing him with a strategic advantage.

Despite the urgency of the situation, (y/n) couldn't shake the feeling that this raid was more than a random attack. The unnerving sense of being watched lingered, intertwining with the chaos of the battle.

As the clash continued, (y/n) and Philza stood united, defending the village against the relentless onslaught of the pillagers. The mysteries surrounding L'Manburg only deepened, casting a shadow over what was once a place of peace and tranquility.

The chaos escalated as the pillagers, fueled by a destructive fervor, seized (y/n) and bound her in chains. The chains cut into her wrists, but her cries for help were drowned out by the roaring flames that consumed the village. The once-thriving settlement now became a battleground between the forces of chaos and those who sought to protect it.

Philza, seeing (y/n) in distress, charged forward with determined fury. His wings unfolded with majestic grace, a symbol of hope in the face of despair. However, the pillagers were relentless, and in the midst of the fiery turmoil, Philza was struck from behind.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now