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The South

In which your past comes back to haunt you


As Technoblade and Tommy emerged from the nether portal, the familiar sights greeted them. However, an unexpected scene unfolded before them, catching both their attention. (Y/n), usually composed and resilient, stood there waiting for them, she was visibly shaken, her eyes betraying a hint of distress.

Tommy, quick to react, took a step forward, concern etched on his face. "What happened? Are you okay?" he asked, glancing at Technoblade for guidance.

Technoblade, his protective instincts kicking in, gestured for Tommy to stand back. "Give her some space," he advised, his voice carrying a rare softness. Tommy reluctantly took a step back, watching as Technoblade approached (Y/n).

In an uncharacteristic display of vulnerability, (Y/n) looked up at Technoblade, her eyes reflecting a storm of emotions. Without a word, Technoblade enveloped her in a reassuring hug. His arms, usually associated with strength and resilience, now offered comfort and solace.

Tommy, though curious, respected Technoblade's silent signal to remain at a distance. He observed as Technoblade whispered words of reassurance, his low voice a soothing balm to (Y/n)'s apparent distress. The bond between them, forged through countless trials, manifested in this moment of quiet support.

After a moment, Technoblade pulled back slightly, still keeping a gentle hold on (Y/n)'s shoulders. The intensity in his gaze conveyed a silent understanding, a shared history that needed no words.

Tommy, despite the chaos and impending plans, witnessed a side of Technoblade rarely seen — a side that cared deeply for those he held close.

Tommy notices (Y/n)'s distress and glances at Technoblade, concerned. Techno gives Tommy a subtle shake of the head, signaling not to press the issue. "Give her a moment," he says quietly to Tommy. "Sometimes memories hit hard."

(Y/n) takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the haunting sounds of the wither. Technoblade wraps an arm around her, offering silent support. "You're okay. You're alive," he reassures her softly.

Tommy, though curious, respects Techno's advice and stands by, giving (Y/n) the space she needs to collect herself.

After a moment, (Y/n) steadies herself, pushing the memories of the wither's unsettling sounds to the back of her mind. She manages a small, grateful smile toward Technoblade, acknowledging his silent support.

Tommy, still curious but understanding, decides to shift the conversation. "So, what's the plan now, Techno? Blow up L'Manburg, right?" he asks with a mischievous grin.

Technoblade chuckles, the tension easing. "That's the plan, Tommy. But we need to be smart about it. We'll strike when the time is right."

(Y/n) joins in the conversation, the earlier unease replaced with determination. "And we'll make sure it's on our terms, not theirs. No more surprises."

Technoblade nods, appreciating the resilience in both Tommy and (Y/n). "Exactly. Now, let's focus on preparing. There's work to be done."

With a renewed sense of purpose, the trio heads into the Nether, ready to navigate the challenges and lay the groundwork for their plan.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now