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The Chill In The North
In which the mighty Technoblade almost dies of worry


Philza trudged through the thick blanket of snow, the cold wind biting at his feathers as he searched for Technoblade's house. The North, unforgiving and relentless, seemed determined to obscure any traces of familiarity. Philza strained his eyes, peering into the snowy landscape, but all he could see were swirling flurries and indistinct shapes.

The landscape appeared as an endless white canvas, the only markers being the occasional skeletal trees and the distant, haunting silhouette of ice-covered mountains. Philza couldn't shake the feeling that the North itself resisted navigation, an enigmatic force that concealed the paths and landmarks he once knew.

His wings rustled against the freezing gusts as he pushed forward, the cold seeping through his feathers. Memories flickered in his mind, attempting to guide him to Technoblade's cabin. Yet, the landscape appeared distorted, each step feeling like a venture into an unknown realm.

Philza couldn't help but wonder if the merciless snowstorm was a manifestation of the chaos that had unfolded. The North, once a haven, had transformed into a labyrinth of uncertainty. He muttered Techno's name against the wind, the sound barely audible as it was swallowed by the howling gale.

His search continued, a lone figure against the vast whiteness, hoping to find a familiar shelter amidst the biting cold.

The creaking door swung open, allowing a gust of frigid wind to dance through the room. Philza entered Technoblade's cabin, his wings coated in snowflakes that shimmered in the dim light. Shaking off the snow, he closed the door behind him, shutting out the relentless cold.

The scene inside was both familiar and unsettling. Technoblade sat on a stool, weariness etched into every line of his face. His eyes, usually sharp and determined, were now heavy with exhaustion. The air in the cabin felt tense, filled with an unspoken weight.

Philza's gaze shifted to the couch where someone lay still, wrapped in blankets. As he approached, the contours of a face became clearer, and he noticed the unfamiliar yet serene features of (Y/n). She appeared peaceful in her slumber, oblivious to the turmoil that had unfolded.

"Techno," Philza's voice cut through the quiet, carrying both concern and the weariness of the journey. "What happened here?"

Technoblade looked up, his eyes meeting Philza's. The weariness transformed into a mix of relief and sorrow. "Things went south, Phil. We had to get here."

Philza's gaze lingered on (Y/n). "Is she...?"

Techno nodded solemnly. "She's been through a lot. The withers... It's a long story."

Silence settled in the room, broken only by the crackling of the fire. Philza took a moment to absorb the gravity of the situation. The North had become a crucible for challenges, and Technoblade sat at its center, weathered and burdened.

"You did what you had to," Philza finally said, acknowledging the weight of choices made in dire circumstances.

Techno's eyes flickered with a mix of gratitude and remorse. "I didn't want any of this. But she..." He trailed off, his gaze returning to (Y/n). "She's strong, Phil. Stronger than I thought." It sounded like Techno was trying to convince himself that she'd be fine.

Philza's eyes lingered on (Y/n), curiosity and concern evident in his gaze. "Who is she, Techno?"

Technoblade sighed, the weight of the recent events pressing down on him. "Her name's (Y/n). She got caught up in all of this, Phil. I didn't want her to, but circumstances..."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now