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Left Alone
In which you claim Techno's house


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the snow-covered landscape, Philza and Technoblade prepared for their journey. The frigid air stung their faces as they stood outside the cabin, donned in their armor and ready for the challenges that lay ahead.

Philza adjusted the straps of his wings, a sense of anticipation in his eyes. "Ready for another adventure, Techno?"

Technoblade nodded, his expression determined. "We need those Nether materials to replenish the potions. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to stop by a village on the way back. Supplies are always useful."

(Y/n) approached Technoblade and Philza, holding two leather bags filled with carefully packed supplies. The weight of responsibility and worry lingered in her eyes as she handed each of them a bag.

"Take these," she said, her voice a mix of concern and determination. "I packed enough food, potions, and essentials to get you through the journey and back. Please be safe out there."

Technoblade nodded appreciatively, taking the bag from her hands. "Thanks, (Y/n). We'll make sure to put these to good use. You take care here, alright?"

Philza echoed the sentiment, "We appreciate this. You're doing a lot for us, (Y/n)."

She was a lot better than she was a few days ago, she was able to move about more now.

With a faint smile, (Y/n) replied, "Just come back in one piece. Both of you."

As they set off into the freezing landscape, the leather bags slung over their shoulders, the weight of (Y/n)'s worry lingered in the air. The journey ahead held challenges, but the thought of returning to the cabin, safe and sound, fueled their determination to face whatever lay ahead.

(Y/n) stood in the doorway, concern etched on her face. "Please be careful, both of you. I don't want to see anyone else getting hurt."

Philza gave her a reassuring smile. "We'll be back before you know it. Take care of yourself, alright?"

Technoblade walked over to (Y/n), his gaze softening. "I promise we'll be back soon. Keep an eye on the house for me."

"It'll be my house soon," (Y/n) grinned to herself, quiet enough so that Techno wouldn't hear.

With that, they set out into the icy wilderness, the crunch of snow beneath their boots echoing in the cold silence. The wind carried the promise of adventure, and as the cabin disappeared from view, they ventured into the unknown, leaving (Y/n) with a mix of worry and hope for their safe return.


(Y/n) closed the door behind her, the creaking sound echoing in the empty cabin. The state of the place struck her immediately – dust settled on surfaces, the kitchen looked like a battlefield, and the furniture seemed misplaced. With a determined sigh, she set out to rectify it.

Being cautious of her healing wound, (Y/n) started with the cleaning. Dusting, sweeping, and organizing became a therapeutic endeavor, each action a step towards reclaiming the space. The sound of a broom against the floor echoed through the cabin, mingling with the crackling fire.

After restoring some order, (Y/n) moved to the kitchen. Pots and pans were cleaned, and the table was cleared of any remnants from past meals. The air in the cabin began to feel lighter as she worked, a sense of accomplishment accompanying every task completed.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now