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Home again
In which you return to your quiet house


Amidst the echoes of destruction, Philza and Technoblade found themselves at the edge of the chaos that was once L'Manburg. The relentless explosions of TNT and the haunting cries of withers provided a discordant backdrop to their meeting.

Philza, observing the remnants of the nation, spoke with a heavy sigh, "Well, that was quite the spectacle. Reminds me of the good old days."

Technoblade, however, couldn't fully appreciate the spectacle. His eyes scanned the horizon anxiously, a growing worry etched across his face. "(Y/n) should have been here by now," he muttered, his voice laced with concern.

Philza, catching the tension in Technoblade's words, questioned, "Where is she?"

Techno's gaze darted around, searching for any sign of (Y/n). The destruction of L'Manburg continued in the background, but his focus remained on the absence of the one person who had become an unexpected anchor in his chaotic life.

"I don't know. She should have been back by now," he admitted, frustration creeping into his voice. "(Y/n) never takes this long."

Philza, recognizing Techno's growing worry, laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. "She's resilient. Give her some time. She'll find her way back."

The two figures stood amidst the crumbling ruins, the destruction still unfolding, as Technoblade's eyes remained fixed on the horizon, awaiting the return of the one person who had managed to pierce through the walls he had built around himself.

Relief washed over Technoblade as he spotted (Y/n) emerging from the chaos, running towards him. Without hesitation, he opened his arms, welcoming her into a tight embrace. The cacophony of destruction faded into the background as the two reunited in the midst of the remnants of L'Manburg.

"(Y/n)," Techno murmured, his voice a mixture of relief and concern. "You had me worried. What took you so long?"

(Y/n) looked up at him, a hint of exhaustion in her eyes. "I had to take the long way around to avoid the chaos. It's chaos over there."

Technoblade nodded, a rare display of genuine concern on his face. "I was afraid something happened to you. I can't lose you, too."

She smiled, a reassuring touch to her words, "You won't. I'm here. We're both here."

Philza, standing nearby, observed the scene with a knowing smile. "Well, seems like you two have a way of finding each other, even in the midst of chaos."

Techno chuckled, breaking the embrace but keeping a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Yeah, guess we do."

Together, they stood against the backdrop of destruction, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the turmoil that was once L'Manburg.

(Y/n) couldn't help but notice the slash on Technoblade's shoulder as she pulled away from the embrace. Concern etched across her features, she gently touched the wound.

"Techno, you're hurt," she said, her voice filled with genuine worry. "Are you okay?"

Technoblade, ever stoic, looked down at the wound and then back at her. "It's just a scratch, (Y/n). I've had worse."

She raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Just a scratch? You're bleeding, Techno. Let me help."

He sighed, relenting to her insistence. "Fine, fine. Dote away, but it's not as bad as it looks."

(Y/n) found a scrap of cloth and began cleaning the wound. "You need to take better care of yourself, you know. Running around, getting into fights..."

"I can handle it," Techno replied, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Besides, you worry too much."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now