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In which there's 2 sides of the rebellion, the ones that want Schlatt dead and the ones that want to burn everything to the ground


Concern etched across Technoblade's features as he observed (Y/N) limping beside him. His gaze flickered down to where the familiar splint and crutches should have been, but they were conspicuously absent. The worry in his eyes deepened, and he couldn't help but voice his concern.

"(Y/N), where are your crutches? And the splint?" he inquired, his voice carrying a genuine worry for her well-being. The aftermath of the chaotic festival had left its mark, not only on the physical landscape but on those who navigated through its tumultuous twists and turns.

(Y/N), however, offered a small, reassuring smile, attempting to downplay the significance of her actions. "Oh, I managed without them. It's not as bad as it looks," she responded, a hint of resilience in her voice.

Technoblade's concern persisted, evident in the furrow of his brow. "You should be taking care of yourself. If you needed those crutches, you shouldn't have pushed yourself," he insisted, his protective instincts surfacing.

(Y/N)'s smile softened, appreciating his concern. "I just wanted to get to you, i knew something went wrong and I was right," she admitted, her gaze meeting his. In that moment, the unspoken understanding between them spoke volumes—a shared willingness to endure challenges together, even if it meant overcoming physical discomfort.

"(Y/n? I promise I was fine, I had everything under control," he didn't want her to fret any longer.

(Y/N) glared at Technoblade, her eyes filled with a mix of frustration and concern. "Don't you dare tell me you're fine, Techno," she exclaimed, her voice cutting through the air.

Techno, still caught in the aftermath of the chaotic battle, attempted to brush off her worries. "It's just the voices acting up, nothing I can't handle," he retorted, trying to maintain his stoic facade.

"Oh, spare me," (Y/N) shot back, her tone laced with annoyance. "I was screaming your name back there, and you couldn't hear me. The voices were drowning you and me out. You were not fine, Techno. Don't try to fool me."

Technoblade's expression faltered for a moment, a rare glimpse of vulnerability breaking through. He met (Y/N)'s gaze, realizing the truth in her words. The voices, usually buzzing with defiance, momentarily fell silent.

(Y/N) crossed her arms, unyielding in her stance. "You're not invincible, Techno. I care about you, and I won't let you downplay the damn voices."

Techno sighed, conceding to her unwavering concern. "Fine, maybe I'm not at my best right now," he admitted, casting a glance away. The voices, now returning with a mixture of grumbling and agreement, acknowledged the reality of the situation.

(Y/N) softened her stance, her expression shifting from frustration to genuine worry. "That's all I wanted to hear."

As they continued their journey back to Pogtopia, Technoblade kept a watchful eye on (Y/N), a silent promise to prioritize her well-being evident in his actions. The echoes of the tumultuous events at Manburg lingered, but the quiet companionship between them served as a balm, offering solace in the aftermath of chaos.

A sudden realization dawned on Technoblade as (Y/N) continued to walk beside him, her determination masking the pain in her limping steps. His eyes widened, connecting the dots. "Wait, did you use a healing potion on your leg?" he asked, a mixture of surprise and concern coloring his voice.

(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before nodding, her expression revealing a blend of determination and sheepishness. "Yeah, I needed to be able to help out. It was hurting, and I thought it would be fine," she admitted, her eyes meeting Techno's.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now