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In which you bit off more you can chew, embarrassment wise

The crackling of the fireplace provided a warm and comforting backdrop to the raging snowstorm outside. The wind howled, and snowflakes danced in a chaotic symphony, but within the cabin, there was a haven of tranquility.

(Y/n) and Technoblade cozied up on the couch, Techno laid upon the couch, with (Y/n) lay on top of him, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. They were wrapped in a thick blanket that shielded them from the chill that tried to seep in through the windows. The soft glow of the fire illuminated their faces as they found solace in each other's presence.

The storm's fury seemed distant as, the warmth of their shared space eclipsing the cold world beyond the cabin walls. Outside, the snow painted a serene landscape, but inside, the real beauty unfolded – the simple joy of being together.

Technoblade's arm rested gently on (Y/n)'s back, creating a cocoon of comfort. The flames flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls, adding a touch of enchantment to the scene.

With the storm raging outside, (Y/n) traced idle patterns on Technoblade's chest, creating a silent language that spoke of contentment and love. The cabin became a haven, shielding them from the elements, and in that shared solitude, a sense of belonging flourished.

As the snowstorm painted the world in white, (Y/n) looked up at Technoblade, her eyes reflecting the firelight. "Sometimes, I love these storms. It's like the world outside doesn't matter when we're like this."

Technoblade nodded, his gaze softening. "Yeah, it's the best."

Technoblade's fingers threaded through (Y/n)'s hair, a gentle and rhythmic motion that mirrored the comforting ambiance of the crackling fire. The touch was tender, a silent reassurance that spoke volumes in the tranquil intimacy of the cabin.

As his hands traced the soft strands, (Y/n) closed her eyes, reveling in the soothing sensation. The storm outside seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the warmth that radiated from the fireplace and the affectionate touch of the person she held dear.

The soft hum of contentment filled the air, a shared melody between them. Technoblade continued his gentle caress, each stroke a testament to the unspoken bond they shared. In that moment, the world outside lost its significance, and all that mattered was the quiet connection woven between their hearts.

(Y/n) leaned into Technoblade's touch, savoring the simple yet profound act of being cared for. His hands moved with a familiarity that echoed the countless moments they had spent together, creating a tapestry of shared experiences and unspoken emotions.

Tommy was about to yell out to Techno and (Y/n) but stopped, Tommy's curiosity held him in place. The sight before him was a stark contrast to the images he had in his mind—Technoblade, usually painted as a menacing figure, now wore a softness in his eyes, and (Y/n), often seen as a loner, appeared wrapped in the warmth of companionship.

The fire's flickering light played on their faces, casting shadows that danced in harmony with Technoblade's gentle touch. It was a moment that defied the expectations Tommy had carried, challenging the narratives he had woven about the people around him.

For a brief moment, Tommy found himself reconsidering the dynamics he thought he knew. Technoblade, the unyielding warrior, seemed like a different person in this quiet scene. (Y/n), with her potions and the air of solitude, was now embraced in a moment of shared tranquility.

Deciding that this wasn't the time for interruptions, Tommy retreated back to the basement, the door closing quietly behind him. Perhaps there was more to the people in his life than met the eye, and as he mulled over this realization, he resolved to come back later, giving them the space to enjoy the simple beauty of the snowstorm outside and the warmth within.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now