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In the Absence

In which you realise that the feeling you felt was betrayal


The remnants of L'Manburg stood as a somber backdrop to the clandestine meeting between Quackity and a cloaked stranger. The air buzzed with an unspoken understanding as Quackity, fueled by vengeance and desperation, laid out his sinister plan.

" I need her gone, you understand? Permanently," Quackity's voice was low but determined, the urgency palpable.

The cloaked stranger, an indistinguishable silhouette against the twilight, conveyed silent agreement through a subtle nod. Shadows danced around them, amplifying the gravity of the situation.

"Technoblade is in prison with Dream. (Y/n) is alone and vulnerable. She's the key to his loyalty. Get rid of her, and Technoblade loses a vital anchor," Quackity explained in hushed tones.

In the hushed exchange, Quackity handed over a bag of diamonds, the glinting jewels sealing the sinister pact. The currency of betrayal exchanged hands as the cloaked stranger, now armed with Quackity's incentive, melted back into the obscurity of the shadows.


Inside the cold and dimly lit prison, Technoblade sat across from Dream, a palpable tension lingering in the air. As the voices that had long been silent began to stir within Technoblade's mind, he couldn't help but be haunted by thoughts of (y/n).

Dream, noticing Techno's distant gaze, spoke with a sly grin, "Thinking about someone special, Techno?"

Technoblade's eyes flickered with a mix of annoyance and nostalgia. The voices in his head whispered, not as chaotic as usual, but with a focused clarity.

"She's none of your business," Techno retorted, the defensive tone betraying the depth of his emotions.

The voices, for the first time in a while, spoke in unison, discussing (y/n) as if dissecting the most intricate potion recipe. Each voice had a different perspective, reflecting Technoblade's internal conflict.

"She's a weakness, Techno. Something that can be exploited."

"No, she's a strength. Someone who grounds him, makes him human."

Technoblade clenched his jaw, torn between the conflicting advice echoing in his mind. His gaze lingered on Dream, who observed with a malicious curiosity.

"Remember the warmth of her embrace, Technoblade. The moments of peace and solace."

As the voices continued their discourse, Technoblade couldn't deny the truth in their words. He missed (y/n) — her warmth, her laughter, and the simplicity she brought to his tumultuous existence.

The prison walls seemed to close in as Techno grappled with his emotions, caught in a battle between the merciless echoes of the past and the longing for a future that felt slipping away.

"You've kept secrets, Techno. Deception breeds discontent. She won't take it lightly."

Technoblade's gaze hardened as he acknowledged the truth in that voice. The idea of facing (y/n)'s anger, a force more formidable than any opponent he'd encountered, weighed heavily on him. The voices continued their relentless commentary, amplifying the internal struggle.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now