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In which you didn't know all your troubles would begin


"So (y/n) what do you think of the election?" The question made you sigh, that was the 5th time this morning.

Louisa settled onto (Y/N)'s couch, her short and stout frame finding comfort in the worn upholstery. The flickering hearth cast a warm glow on her weathered face, where lines of age told stories of a bygone era. Dressed in layers of carefully patched fabrics of greens and browns, she clutched her staff with both hands, its weathered wood supporting her as she waited with a quiet dignity.

Her bones, weakened with time, craved the alchemical remedy promised by the potion brewing nearby. The air carried the soothing aroma of herbs and elixirs, a concoction carefully crafted to bring relief to her aging joints. As Louisa patiently awaited the potion's completion, her eyes, still lively with wisdom, roamed the room, taking in the surroundings of a world that had seen her through countless seasons.

In the midst of (Y/N)'s sanctuary, surrounded by the warmth of the hearth and the promise of alchemical healing, Louisa embodied the resilience of a medieval dame seeking solace for her weary bones in the comforting embrace of a trusted friend's home.

Louisa was an elderly lady who had travelled from the South. The land and houses in the Dream SMP were bought out so she had no choice but to live in L'Manburg. "It does not worry me, I don't really care," (y/n) shrugged as she sat across from Louisa as the potion brewed

Louisa settled into the worn chair, her eyes reflecting a contemplative gaze as (Y/N) moved about the room, tending to various tasks.

"You know, (Y/N), I find myself caught in a dilemma. This election between Wilbur Soot and Quackity—it's quite the spectacle," she sighed. Internally (Y/N) sighed, she was getting tired of the political drama.

"I've been steering clear of all that drama. Too much chaos for my liking," she sighed. It was a pain, she now had to take a 2 hour trip to get supplies to get to a town that won't harass her about politics and she could just buy her supplies.

Louisa nodded, her fingers tracing patterns on her staff."But the fate of L'Manburg hangs in the balance. Each candidate claims to have the solution, yet I'm uncertain which path to support. Wilbur and Tommy a great but they're simply children," she reasoned.

(Y/N) sighed, pausing in her thoughts to give Louisa their full attention."Honestly, Louisa, I've had enough of politics and factions. It's always the same promises, and in the end, it leads to chaos."

Louisa's eyes twinkled with a knowing wisdom."You're wise beyond your years, my dear. But for some of us, these elections are like the changing seasons—we can't escape their influence."

"I get it, but I'd rather focus on simpler things, like the hearth's warmth and the quiet moments away from the strife." (Y/N) stared out the window and at the wind that blew through the tree line. "My life is out here in solitude making potions, not in L'Manburg."

Louisa smiled, her gaze softening. "Ah, the simplicity you seek is a treasure in itself. Perhaps, I'll find solace in your perspective. Sometimes, stepping away from the storm is the wisest choice. But sometimes the incoming storm is impossible to avoid."

(Y/N) nodded, understanding passing between them, transcending the complexities of an election that neither truly desired to navigate.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now