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Super Spies
In which a stray appears on your door whilst Technoblade and Tommy stroll around L'Manburg


Tommy pleaded with Technoblade, "Come on, Techno! You gotta take me with you. I need to see what they've done to L'Manburg, and we could grab your weapons while we're at it!"

Techno glanced at (Y/n), exchanging a knowing look. "Tommy, it's not just about grabbing weapons. We need a plan, and rushing into things won't help."

(Y/n) chimed in, "He's right, Tommy. We can't risk a hasty confrontation. We need to be strategic about this."

Tommy, however, persisted, "But what if they've done something awful to your stuff, Techno? You can't let them disrespect you like that."

Technoblade sighed, contemplating the situation. "Fine, but we do this quietly. No unnecessary risks. Got it?"

Tommy's eyes lit up, "Got it! Stealth mode engaged!"

"Do you want me to come?" (Y/n) offered but the tone she used was more like, 'I'm coming too.'

Technoblade leaned toward (Y/n), his eyes meeting hers. "Look, love, your leg is healing, and we're almost there. A couple more days, and it'll be set properly and we can fix it with a potion. I don't want you limping around and throwing off your balance when we need precision."

(Y/n) sighed, realizing the practicality in his words. "Yeah, I hate being off-balance. But promise me you'll be careful. I don't want to see you getting hurt out there."

Technoblade gave her a reassuring smile. "I promise, I'll be as careful as a pig in a carrot field. Now, rest up, and we'll get through this together."

As they shared a quiet moment, the weight of the impending mission hung in the air, but their trust in each other provided a sense of assurance in the face of uncertainty.

The door closed with a soft thud, leaving (Y/n) alone in the cabin. However, it didn't take long for the handle to turn again, and Technoblade stepped back inside. There was a certain intensity in his eyes as he closed the distance between them.

"I didn't like that. Being away from you," Technoblade confessed, his hands gently cradling (Y/n)'s face. Leaning down, he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, savoring the closeness.

(Y/n) smiled up at him, a mixture of understanding and affection in her eyes. "Come back soon, okay? I'll be right here."

With a final, lingering kiss, Technoblade reluctantly pulled away, a promise of his return embedded in the moment. As he left once more, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a comforting warmth, knowing that he carried a piece of her with him on his journey.

The crunch of snow beneath their boots echoed as Technoblade and Tommy walked side by side, heading towards L'Manburg. Tommy couldn't resist the opportunity to tease Techno about his newfound domesticity.

"So, Techno, got a wife, huh?" Tommy nudged him, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Technoblade shot him a deadpan look. "Yeah, she caught me off guard, and now I'm stuck with her."

Tommy laughed. "Stuck? Come on, you're Technoblade! I thought you'd be out there conquering, not settling down."

Techno smirked. "Well, conquering can wait. Plus, she has this way of making me come back."

"Who would've thought the mighty blood god is a romantic at heart?" Tommy teased, nudging Techno again.

Techno grumbled, "I'm not romantic. It's just... practical."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now