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In the Ruins
In which a darker plot begins to rise


Tommy stood on the remnants of what once was L'Manburg, a place he had fought for, bled for, and now witnessed crumble into chaos. The landscape was scarred by explosions, withered away by time, and haunted by the ghosts of decisions that led to this moment. He took a deep breath, the air heavy with the scent of destruction.

As he surveyed the ruins, Tommy couldn't escape the bitter truth that L'Manburg would never be the same. The very essence of the nation lay shattered and scattered, much like the dreams and alliances that had defined its existence. The towering walls, once a symbol of unity, were now fractured and broken, mirroring the fractures in the friendships that had once thrived within.

The silence of the aftermath echoed louder than any battle cry, a stark reminder that the heart of L'Manburg had been silenced. Tommy's mind replayed the moments that led to this point—the betrayals, the conflicts, and the irreversible choices that unfolded like chapters in a tragic story.

In his heart, Tommy knew that, with the weight of the past, no one within their right mind would return to these ruins. L'Manburg was not just a place; it was a memory of friendships forged and bonds broken. It was an echo of laughter and camaraderie, now drowned out by the sounds of destruction.

Tommy's gaze lingered on the desolation, a mixture of sadness and acceptance in his eyes. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows over the broken landscape. With a heavy heart, he turned away, knowing that, just like the fallen walls around him, the spirit of L'Manburg had crumbled, irreversibly changed by the currents of time and choice.

Quackity stormed toward Tommy, his frustration etched on his face like an open wound. The remnants of L'Manburg stood witness to the heated exchange that was about to unfold.

"Tommy, you absolute idiot!" Quackity's voice cut through the air, a mix of anger and betrayal. "You had Technoblade right there, and you let him go! Are you stupid or just plain insane?"

Tommy, still grappling with the aftermath, met Quackity's accusatory gaze. "I... I couldn't, Quackity. I just couldn't."

"You couldn't? You couldn't?! Tommy, do you have any idea what he's done? What he's going to do?" Quackity's frustration turned into incredulity.

Tommy bit his lip, his eyes reflecting the weight of the choices made. "I know, Quackity. But killing Technoblade, it wouldn't fix everything. It wouldn't bring back L'Manburg."

Quackity shook his head, his anger unabated. "You knew what he was capable of. You knew he was going to destroy everything we built. And what did you do? Nothing! You did absolutely nothing!"

Tommy's shoulders slumped, guilt and regret gnawing at him. "I thought... I thought we could find another way. I thought maybe, just maybe, we could change him, or he could change us."

Quackity scoffed, his frustration turning into bitter laughter. "Change him? Tommy, you're so naive! He's a force of nature, a storm that we should have stopped when we had the chance. And now look at us! Look at L'Manburg!"

The ruins of their nation cast long shadows, echoing the fractured state of their alliances. Tommy looked down, unable to meet Quackity's accusing eyes. "I messed up, Quackity. I messed up big time."

Quackity's anger softened into a weary sigh. "Yeah, you did. And now we're left with the consequences. Just remember, Tommy, sometimes mercy is just another word for stupidity."

Quackity's smirk deepened, a sly expression crossing his face as he circled Tommy like a vulture closing in on its prey. "Tommy, my friend, there's always a weakness. Even for someone like Technoblade. You just need to figure out what that weakness is."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now