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In which L'Manburg is destroyed... again


In the ominous glow of the Nether, the unlikely alliance of Dream, Technoblade, (Y/n), and Philza ventured through the treacherous terrain, a path fraught with danger and uncertainty. The dim light from the lava lakes cast flickering shadows on the twisted netherrack, creating an eerie atmosphere that matched the tension among the group.

Dream, clad in his signature green hoodie, led the way with a determined stride. Technoblade, adorned in his fearsome Netherite armor, walked beside him, a silent force radiating from him. (Y/n) and Philza followed, their expressions reflecting a mix of apprehension and resolution.

The air hummed with a palpable sense of foreboding as they navigated the labyrinthine pathways, the distorted cries of ghasts echoing in the distance. The distant glow of a portal signaled their destination, a portal that would transport them to the heart of L'Manburg.

Silence enveloped them, broken only by the ominous echoes of their footsteps on the crimson and warped fungi-covered ground. The weight of their collective purpose hung in the air, each step carrying them closer to the inevitable confrontation.

Philza, the seasoned warrior with wings of freedom, exchanged a solemn glance with (Y/n). They both understood the gravity of the situation, the choices that led them to this point. (Y/n)'s grip tightened on her bow, a symbol of her readiness for whatever awaited them.

As they neared the portal, Dream halted, turning to face the group. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of determination and something darker. "This is it. Once we step through that portal, there's no turning back. We're here to bring an end to L'Manburg."

Technoblade nodded, his expression unreadable beneath the mask. "The destruction of governments is what I do best."

(Y/n) shared a glance with Philza, a silent exchange of understanding. They stepped through the portal together, emerging on the other side into the heart of L'Manburg. The once-familiar landscape now carried a sense of impending doom.

The group moved forward, the tension thickening with each step. As the first explosions echoed through the air, marking the beginning of the end for L'Manburg, the alliance forged in the Nether faced the consequences of their choices. The clash of ideals and the destruction of alliances reached a crescendo, and the fate of L'Manburg hung in the balance.


In the heart of L'Manburg, beneath the looming shadows of the towering structures, a group of residents gathered in the main square. The cobbled stones beneath their feet seemed to resonate with the collective tension that hung thick in the air. Tommy, Tubbo, Ponk, Punz, Sapnap, Captain Puffy, Jack Manifold, and Eret stood in a semi-circle, eyeing each other with a mix of anxiety and determination.

Quackity, ever the impatient one, grumbled audibly, "This is ridiculous. We should've taken him down ages ago. And (Y/n)? She'll probably stay out of range, firing arrows at us."

Tubbo shot Quackity a stern look, "We need a plan. Technoblade is no pushover."

Tommy, fidgeting with the straps of his armor, couldn't help but feel the gravity of the situation. "This is it, guys. We've got to be smart about it."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now