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Out of the Woods
In which you wake up
And for the first time in your life you realise you had a genuine fear of withers


As (Y/n) slowly blinked her eyes open, the unfamiliar surroundings of the cabin came into focus. Her head throbbed with a dull ache, and the dim light filtering through the window painted the room in soft hues of morning.

Glancing around, she spotted a figure perched on a stool by her side. Confusion clouded her thoughts—this person's presence was unexpected, and her memories were fragmented, like shards of a broken mirror.

The bandages on her sides prompted a wince as she attempted to sit up. Pain radiated through her, a harsh reminder of the wither's relentless assault. The events leading to this moment slowly pieced together in her mind, and the gravity of their situation settled in.

Snowflakes danced outside the window, gracefully descending to the ground. (Y/n) deduced that this must be Techno's house, the haven he sought refuge in after the relentless journey through the North. A mix of gratitude and concern stirred within her—grateful for the shelter but anxious about the challenges that awaited.

Gently pushing herself into an upright position, she winced again but allowed her gaze to wander. The cabin bore the marks of a temporary dwelling, yet its warmth and the crackling fire in the hearth offered a stark contrast to the cold outside.

The figure on the stool shifted, and their eyes met. "You're awake," they remarked, a soft smile playing on their lips.

(Y/n) managed a faint nod, her voice a whisper as she spoke, "Who... who are you?"

The person hesitated, their expression registering a mix of understanding and patience. "I'm Philza," they replied, introducing themselves with a gentle tone.

The name offered little clarity, and (Y/n) found herself grappling with the foggy recesses of her memory.

(Y/n) shifted on the couch, her movements slow and cautious as she took in her surroundings. The bandages on her sides served as a stark reminder of the recent ordeal with the withers. She winced, the pain a harsh reality that cut through the haze of confusion.

Philza offered a gentle smile, the weariness in his eyes softening the gravity of the situation. "You took quite a hit back there. Techno's been keeping a close eye on you."

(Y/n) furrowed her brow, grappling with the foggy memories of the wither attack. "Techno?" she murmured, uncertainty clouding her voice.

Philza nodded. "Yeah, Technoblade. He brought you here to his cabin. You're safe now."

A mix of relief and confusion played across (Y/n)'s features as she processed the information. Her gaze drifted to the falling snow outside the window, a serene contrast to the chaos that had unfolded.

"I... I don't remember much," she admitted, her voice carrying the weight of uncertainty.

Philza's expression softened. "You took a beating, but you're a lot tougher than you give yourself credit for. Techno's been worried sick about you."

As (Y/n) attempted to piece together the fragments of the recent events, Philza's presence provided a reassuring anchor. The cabin, while a temporary sanctuary, held a warmth that extended beyond the crackling fire.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now