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The Pit
In which tensions are at an all time high


In the dimly lit forest, Technoblade and Tommy faced each other in a makeshift combat pit. The tension hung thick in the air as they exchanged glares. Techno's question cut through the silence, "[You sure you wanna do this, Tommy?]"

Tommy, eyes briefly flickering towards the infirmary, responded with a determined nod. Nearby, Niki, sensing the impending clash, decided to fetch (Y/n).

Techno proposed a curious truce amidst the impending brawl, "We could settle our feelings with our fists, but who- when- when we come out of here? Win or lose? No hard feelings... It stays in the pit."

Tommy, however, couldn't ignore the weight of recent events. "You killed Tubbo, Techno."

Undeterred, Techno chuckled, repeating his mantra, "It stays in the pit."

Tommy, still grappling with the betrayal, pressed on, "You killed- you killed my right-hand man. And you-"

Techno interrupted, looking up at the forest canopy, "In the pit."

Wilbur, eagerly watching, couldn't contain his excitement, "Do it! Do it! Kill him! Kill him! Punch him!"

Tommy refocused on Techno, expressing his frustration, "I'm not doing this for Wilbur. None of this has to do with Wilbur anymore. You just- You betrayed us, Techno... You betrayed us."

Techno, defensive, offered his reasoning, "I was peer pressured...!"

Tommy, unconvinced, retorted, "You- that's not- You can't just keep saying-!"

Their verbal exchange escalated into a physical confrontation. Tommy's fist met Techno's jaw, a precursor to a brutal exchange of blows that echoed in the enclosed space. The forest absorbed the sounds of cracking bones and labored breaths as the two clashed.

Wilbur observed the brawl with an unsettling satisfaction. The fight reached its climax when Techno's final punch sent Tommy to the ground, defeated and broken. Techno's melodic declaration lingered in the aftermath, "It stays in the pit."

Tommy, conceding defeat, whispered, "You betrayed him, Techno. You betrayed him."

Techno, resolute, repeated, "[It stays in the pit."

Exiting the pit, Techno left behind a battered Tommy. Wilbur, clapping in approval, declared his satisfaction, "That is the- That is absolutely perfect! Thank you. Thank you. I- I'm honestly- I'm satisfied with today."

As Techno walked away, (Y/n) awaited him with a regen potion, tossing a second one down to Tommy in silent acknowledgment of the toll the pit had taken on both of them.

"Did you really have to beat up a child?" She sighed.

"I drop kicked that child in self defence you gotta believe me," Techno grinned, she chuckled at him.

"Techno wait you bastard!" Tommy screams at him.

The air crackled with tension as Technoblade turned back to face Tommy, a sardonic chuckle escaping his lips.

"Tommy, do you really think I would stop mass destruction, Tommy?" Techno's voice carried a tone of detached amusement.

Tommy, frustration evident, shot back, "Well, I didn't think you would've stopped yourself from killing Tubbo at the hands of JSchlatt's orders, but you still did."

Techno's response remained unwavering, "Stays in the pit."

A frustrated yell erupted from Tommy, "IT WASN'T IN THE PIT! This is-! You- You can't just-!"

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