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I know


A sickening crunch echoed through the square as the anvil landed on top of Technoblade's head. The horrifying sight left (Y/n) wailing in pain, her heart sinking into the depths of despair. The crowd stood in stunned silence, the weight of the execution settling over them.

Yet, as the dust began to settle, a bewildering glow emanated from Technoblade's shattered form. A miraculous light enveloped him, and to the shock of everyone present, his skull regenerated before their eyes. Gasps and whispers swept through the crowd as the impossible unfolded.

In the midst of the astonished silence, (Y/n) found her voice, screaming with a mixture of relief and defiance, "Technoblade never dies!" The words echoed through the square, a rallying cry that pierced the tension and sparked a renewed sense of rebellion among those who witnessed the resurrection.

With the chaos of Technoblade's unexpected regeneration still lingering in the air, he dashed towards (Y/n) with urgency. Together, their eyes widened as they spotted Dream leading Carl away, a malicious grin etched across Dream's face.

Fueled by determination and a desire to protect their companion, Technoblade and (Y/n) exchanged a determined glance. Without uttering a word, they set off in pursuit, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead to reclaim Carl.

As they reached the entrance of the tunnel, Dream turned to face Technoblade and (Y/n). In a low voice, he spoke, "I'll hold them off. Take this chest, it has what you need. Go, and don't look back."

Technoblade eyed Dream cautiously, but a begrudging nod acknowledged the plan. "You better not be leading us into a trap, Dream."

A brief, tension-filled moment passed before Dream's expression softened. "I may be many things, but a traitor to my allies isn't one of them. Now, go."

(Y/n) and Techno exchanged glances, uncertainty lingering in the air. Yet, they took the chest and proceeded into the tunnel, footsteps echoing the complex emotions that surrounded them.

As Technoblade carefully set (Y/n) on Carl, her pained yelp echoed through the tunnel. The strain on her injured leg was evident, and Techno felt a pang of worry. Ignoring the pickaxe for the moment, he focused on (Y/n), concern etched on his face.

"Easy there," he murmured, gently adjusting her position on Carl's back. "We'll get you out of here. Just hang on."

Carl, seemingly understanding the urgency, shifted beneath them as they prepared to move. Techno spared a glance at the chest, contemplating the contents and the challenges that lay ahead. Determination set in his eyes as he grabbed the pickaxe, ready to face whatever obstacles came their way.

Quackity, seething with rage, stepped closer, his gaze fixated on Technoblade. "How did you survive that anvil, huh? What kind of trickery is this?"

Techno, undeterred, met Quackity's glare. "I don't die that easily. And I won't let you touch (Y/n)."

Quackity smirked, the threat evident in his voice. "You can't escape this, Technoblade. Your little game ends here."

Techno swung the pickaxe onto the wall, creating sparks that illuminated the narrow tunnel. "We'll see about that." He then turned to (Y/n) with a reassuring look, silently promising to protect her against any looming danger.

Quackity's taunts echoed through the dimly lit tunnel, his threats hanging in the air like a dark cloud. "You think you can escape, Technoblade? I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer. Maybe I'll start by taking away what you care about most."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now